Session 10. Aquaculture and coastal zone interactions (Aquaculture and coastal fisheries)

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Date: 29 August 2016; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: M. Service


Theatre Session 10

Comparing agricultural and urban nutrient loads to coastal systems
invited J.P. Nunes and J. Gomes Ferreira

Partitioning the faecal load to coastal waters
invited M. Taylor

Application of a multi-model framework for integrated ecosystem management in lough foyle
invited J.G. Ferreira, H. Moore, P. Boylan, C. Jordan, J.D. Lencart-Silva, C. McGonigle, S. McLean, J.P. Nunes, M. Service and C. Zhu

Panel discussion


The interaction between natural benthic communities and cultivated blue mussels in Belfast Lough
invited H. Moore, A. Boyd, R. Corner, J.G. Ferreira and M. Service

Achieving a balance – the key to sustainably managing native oyster stocks
invited C. Bromley

Sustainable Shellfish aquaculture the Ecosystem approach
invited M. Service