Session 41. Multifunctionality of grassland-based livestock farming systems
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Date: 31 August 2016; 8:30- 10:00 hours
Chairperson: M. Tichit
Theatre Session 41
Developing win-win outcomes across a range of grassland-based livestock farming systems
invited B. Dumont, M. Benoit, L. Delaby, M. Duru, O. Hughenin-Elie, S. Lemauviel-Lavenant, J. Ryschawy, R. Sabatier and D. Vollet
Multi-indicators approach for the evaluation of efficiency of mountain dairy farms
M. Berton, E. Sturaro, M. Ramanzin and G. Bittante
Including trees in pasture-based pig systems to improve animal welfare and eco-efficiency
M. Jakobsen and A.G. Kongsted
Silvopature is a sustainable intensification option in grassland production systems
J.H. McAdam
Grassland intensification and inevitable tradeoffs between multiple ecosystem services
D.A. Fornara, E.A. Wasson, C.J. Watson and R. Carolan
Multifunctionality of extensive mountain livestock farming systems
A. Gibon and G. Balent
Research priorities for modelling livestock and grassland systems in Europe under climate change
R.P. Kipling, A. Bannink, J.C. Van Middelkoop and N.D. Scollan
The effect of stocking rate and prolificacy on profitability of an Irish lowland sheep enterprise
A. Bohan, L. Shalloo, P. Creighton, E. Earl, T.M. Boland and N. McHugh
Combined modelling tools to evaluate the impact of flock mobility on ghg emissions in sheep farms
M. Benoit, J. Lasseur, A. Vigan, F. Mouillot, M. Eugène, L. Mansard, M. Vigne, P. Lecomte and C. Dutilly
Linking deforestation-pasture restoration in Brazil’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
R. Silva, L.G. Barioni and D. Moran
Grassland production systems: combing animal species and crossbreeding to strengthen sustainability?
P. Veysset, S. Prache, K. Vazeille and P. Dhour
Tropical grasslands: a pivotal place for a more multi-functional agriculture
M. Boval, V. Angeon and T. Rudel
Posters Session
Increased foraging in outdoor organic pig production: modeling environmental consequences
M. Jakobsen, T. Preda, A.G. Kongsted and J.E. Hermansen
A mixed-method study on the perception and evaluation of pictures from pig fattening barns
G. Busch, S.A. Gauly and A. Spiller
The effect of flock size and ewe type on flock management and performance of Irish sheep farms
A. Bohan, L. Shalloo, P. Creighton, T.M. Boland and N. McHugh
Development of e-learning resources by/for users: a win-win project for teachers and students
J. Faure, G. Jalam, M. Bonneau, C. Aguilera-Charles, T. Bodin, C. Drieu, A. Drouet, M. Guillou, L. Helary, M. Lebouter, G. Panaget and L. Montagne
Shaping the Swedish landscape: a future for the Gotland russ
A. Jansson, L. Edenius, K. Dahlborn, S. Ringmark, A. Skarin, M. Steen, E. Öckinger and C.G. Thulin