Session 35. Reimagining pasture based production systems

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Reimagining grazing systems: from thoughtscapes to ethical and sustainable pasture-based foodscapes

Biodiversity – the forgotten component of sustainable pasture based production systems

Effect of alternative forages on ewe body condition and subsequent lamb weight during lactation
J.T. Higgins, G. Egan, F. Godwin, S. Lott, M.B. Lynch, M. McEvoy, F.M. McGovern and T.M. Boland

Can altering sowing rate increase the dry matter production of multispecies swards under grazing?
Hearn,M. Egan, M.B. Lynch and M. O’Donovan

Rotational grazing and multi-species swards increase pasture-based productivity – a meta-analysis
M.W. Jordon, K.J. Willis, P.C. Bürkner and G. Petrokofsky

The effect of multispecies swards on the sustainability performance of Irish grazing systems
M.C. Ayala, J.C.J. Groot, I.J.M. De Boer, J. Kennedy, C. Grace and R. Ripoll-Bosch

Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from dairy beef production systems
Kearney,J. Breen, E. O’Riordan and P. Crosson

Reducing N leaching with better N mineral management using forecasted weather and grass growth
Ruelle,L. Shalloo, M. O’Donovan, L. Delaby and P. Dillon

Pasture based cow calf contact: effects of full-time, part-time and no contact on calf growth
A.M. Sinnott, E. Kennedy, S. McPherson and E.A.M. Bokkers

Farmer’s knowledge and practices in mineral supplementation in Western France dairy farms
Manoli,M. Salaun and P. Gaignon

Removing concentrate supply in grazing goats: effects on milk production and grazing behaviour
Delagardeand C. Moreau

Distinctive organoleptic characteristics and consumer acceptability of pastured poultry eggs
OdintsovVaintrub and P. Di Giuseppe


Effect of climate and soil physical variables on alfalfa production through big data analysis
J.Y. Kim, M.J. Kim, J.S. Choi, B.W. Kim and K.Y. Sung

Multifunctional Mediterranean AGF systems: constraints and opportunities for sustainable transition
Borràs,M.P. Romero, P. Gaspar, F.J. Mesías and M. Escribano

Grazing behaviour and milk production in dairy cows as an effect of daytime and night-time grazing
Gonda,R. Danielsson and E. Ternman

The challenge of the new CAP: a Delphi study on extensive livestock farms in dehesa systems
Gaspar,A. Horrillo, F.J. Mesías and M. Escribano

DCAB of grass and NSBA in urine of suckler cows
Scholzand G. Heckenberger

Nitrogen balance and use efficiency as indicator for monitoring the proper use of fertilizers
J.G. Oliveira, M.L. Santana Júnior, N.J. Costa Maia, A.H. Gameiro, P.C. Domingues Dos Santos and F. Simili

Co-grazing of multispecies swards enhances growth performance of heifers and lambs
Beaucarne,C. Grace, J. Kennedy, H. Sheridan and T.M. Boland