Session 04. Innovative dairy research and extension (Young Train)

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Theatre Session

Post-calving leukocyte immune-related genes are enhanced in Simmental compared with Holstein cows
V. Lopreiato, A. Minuti, D. Britti, C. Perri, F. Piccioli Cappelli, J.J. Loor and E. Trevisi

Health traits and lactation survival in relation to conformation traits in German Holstein cows
A. Rolfes and H.H. Swalve

Neural Network models as a new method to diagnose ketosis in dairy cows
E.A. Bauer, E. Ptak and W. Jagusiak

The bovine colostrum miRNome and its implications for the neonate
I. Van Hese, K. Goossens, G. Opsomer and L. Vandaele

Not all inbreeding is depressing
H.P. Doekes, R.F. Veerkamp, P. Bijma, S.J. Hiemstra, G. De Jong and J.J. Windig

Genome-wide association study for methane concentration emitted by dairy cows
M. Sypniewski, T. Strabel and M. Pszczola

On the genomic regions affecting milk lactose content in dairy cattle
A. Costa, H. Schwarzenbacher, G. Mészáros, B. Fuerst-Waltl, C. Fuerst, J. Sölkner and M. Penasa

Genetic correlations between energy status indicator traits and fertility in Nordic Red Dairy cows
T. Mehtiö, P. Mäntysaari and M.H. Lidauer

Combining rapeseed meal with brewers’ grains, lowers methane emission intensity in dairy cows
D. Van Wesemael, L. Vandaele, S. De Campeneere, V. Fievez and N. Peiren

Estimation of protein autonomy of livestock farming in Wallonia with a focus on dairy farming
C. Battheu-Noirfalise, S. Hennart, M. Hoffmann, V. Decruyenaere and D. Stilmant

Successful economic management differs between intensive and extensive dairy farms
A.-C. Dalcq, Y. Beckers, B. Wyzen, E. Reding, P. Delhez and H. Soyeurt

What drive the environmental performance of dairy farms?
T.T.S. Siqueira and D. Galliano

Suckling of dairy calves by their dams: consequences on animal performances, behaviour and welfare
A.N. Nicolao, B.M. Martin, M.B. Bouchon, E.S. Sturaro and D.P. Pomiès

Mitigation strategies improve performance and reduce inflammation in aflatoxin challenged dairy cows
R.T. Pate and F.C. Cardoso