Session 46. Sustainable pig production systems (part I)
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Theatre Session
Assessing sustainability trade-offs between pig welfare, economy of production and farmer wellbeing
J. Helmerichs, S.J. Hörtenhuber, A.K. Ruckli and S. Dippel
Developing a methodology for sustainability scoring of pig farms
R. Hoste
Farmers’ and other stakeholders’ view on sustainable pig production systems
S. Hörtenhuber, R. Chapman, P. Ferrari, M. Gebska, J. Helmerichs, C. Hubbard, C. Leeb, C. Munsterhjelm, A.K. Ruckli, K. Swan, H. Vermeer and S. Dippel
Pig farmers’ willingness to participate in animal welfare programs
A. Kuhlmann, S. Schukat and H. Heise
Welfare assessment of pigs using a multi-factorial approach (MulTiViS)
H. Gerhardy, H. Meyer, H. Plate, I. Spiekermeier, B. Wegner, J. Grosse-Kleimann, H. Nienhoff and L. Kreienbrock
Pig welfare self-assessment and benchmarking tool – a mobile application for farmers
A. Watteyn, M. Thys, W. Wytynck, G. Vandepoel, B. Sonck and F. Tuyttens
Applying life cycle assessment to sparse historical data from pig systems
M. Misiura, M. Ottosen, S. Mackenzie, J. Filipe and I. Kyriazakis
The carbon footprint, nitrogen and phosphorus efficiency in boars, barrows and immunocastrates
S. Millet, C. De Cuyper, V. Stefanski, K. Kress and A. Van Den Broeke
Tailored phase-feeding program for liquid-fed growing pig towards a reduced use of protein rich diet
F. Maupertuis, D. Olivier and N. Quiniou
Effect of dietary energy level on performance and environmental sustainability in male pigs
A. Van Den Broeke, C. De Cuyper, M. Aluwé and S. Millet
Poster Session
SusPigSys: assessment and feedback of sustainability of pig production systems
A.K. Ruckli, C. Leeb, K. De Roest, M. Gebska, J. Guy, M. Heinonen, J. Helmerichs, S. Hörtenhuber, H. Spoolder, A. Valros and S. Dippel
Sustainability of pig production through improved feed efficiency
W.M. Rauw, E. Gómez Izquierdo, L.A. García Cortés, E. De Mercado De La Peña, J.M. García Casco, J.J. Ciruelos and L. Gomez-Raya
Evaluating the environmental impacts of selection for residual feed intake in pigs
F. Soleimani Jevinani and H. Gilbert
Estimated cost savings from reduction of ammonium-salt based inorganic second aerosol from livestock
S. Lee, M. Kim and J.H. Hwang
Measuring particles in pig housing
S. Lagadec, N. Guingand and M. Hassouna
Effects of soil spreading of swine manure on bioavailability of trace elements in contaminated soils
M. Kim and S. Lee
Pig manure economic valuation by nutrient balance
R.A. Nacimento, M.F. Silva, E.R. Afonso, O.A. Ojeda-Rojas, J.C.P. Palhares and A.H. Gameiro
Applied analytical hierarchical processing in a social sustainability study of pig farming in Sweden
S. Zira, E. Ivarsson, E. Röös and L. Rydhmer
Genetic parameters for feed intake and growth curves in three-way crossbred pigs
R.M. Godinho, R. Bergsma, S.E.F. Guimarães, F.F. Silva, E.F. Knol, J. Van Milgen, H. Komen and J.W.M. Bastiaansen
Economic weights of sperm quality traits for sire breed using the gene flow methods
Z. Krupová, M. Wolfová, E. Krupa and E. Žáková
Effect of sow lines and type of Belgian Piétrain sire line on carcass and meat quality
E. Kowalski, E. Vossen, M. Aluwé, S. Millet and S. De Smet
Dietary inclusion of ensiled avocado (Persia Americana) oil cake on pig growth performance
M.L. Seshoka, I.M.M. Malebana, P.J. Fourie, A.T. Kanengoni and B.D. Nkosi
Italian ryegrass improves growth performance with increased gut Lactobacillus in pigs
S.K. Park, N. Recharla and D.W. Kim
Effect of phytase on performance and bone mineralization in growing pigs fed a deficient P diet
B. Villca, G. Cordero, P. Wilcock and R. Lizardo
Steroidome and metabolome analysis in gilt saliva to identify biomarkers of boar effect receptivity
G. Goudet, P. Liere, L. Nadal-Desbarats, D. Grivault, C. Douet, J. Savoie, S. Ferchaud, F. Maupertuis, A. Roinsard, S. Boulot and A. Prunier
Welfare of entire males, immunocastrates and surgical castrated pigs in socially unstable groups
L. Wiesner, K. Kress, U. Weiler and V. Stefanski
Profile and consumer acceptance of salami from immunocastrated, castrated and entire male pigs
E. Kostyra, S. Żakowska-Biemans, M. Aluwé, A. Van Den Broeke, M. Candek-Potakar and M. Škrlep
Sustainable precision livestock farming: real-time estimation of body protein mass in pigs
A. Remus, S. Méthot, L. Hauschild and C. Pomar