Session 59. Free Communications animal nutrition: dairy and beef cattle

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Theatre Session

Effect of feeding managements on the milk concentrations of short- and medium-chain fatty acids
E. Vargas-Bello-Pérez, R. Dhakal, M. Kargo, A.J. Buitenhuis, M.O. Nielsen and N.A. Poulsen

Effect of wheat soluble concentrate on performances and nitrogen metabolism in lactating dairy cows
A. Palmonari, D. Cavallini, L. Mammi, J. Vettori, P. Parazza, M. Dall’Olio, E. Valle and A. Formigoni

Lower in vitro rumen metabolization of mycotoxins at conditions of rumen acidosis and dry conditions
S. Debevere, S. De Baere, G. Haesaert, S. Croubels and V. Fievez

Evolution of the rumen fluid enzymatic activity during in vitro incubation
M. Simoni, F. Righi, A. Foskolos, E. Tsiplakou and A. Quarantelli

Effect of mixing time of the total mixed ration on beef cattle performance
G. Marchesini, M. Cortese, N. Ughelini, M. Chinello and I. Andrighetto

Milk production and urination patterns of dairy cows grazing second year chicory-based herbage
M. Mangwe, R. Bryant, M. Beck and P. Gregorini

Feeding value of lactating cow diets popularly used by Vietnamese household dairy farms
B.N. Nguyen, C.V. Nguyen, H.T. Nguyen, T.X. Nguyen, K.D. Nguyen, S.H. Nguyen, H.T. Nguyen, J.B. Gaughan, R. Lyons, B.J. Hayes and D.M. McNeill

Effects of diet composition on nitrogen use efficiency of beef cattle
A. Angelidis, L.A. Crompton, T. Misselbrook, T. Yan, C.K. Reynolds and S. Stergiadis

New equations to predict OM digestibility of concentrates and by-products used for ruminants
D. Sauvant, G. Tran, V. Heuzé and P. Chapoutot

Repeatability of feed efficiency of lactating dairy cows fed high and low starch diets
A. Fischer and K.F. Kalscheur

Poster Session

Shredlage or whole-crop maize silage: conservation, digestibility and use in fattening-bulls ration
I. Morel, M. Rothacher, J.-L. Oberson, Y. Arrigo and U. Wyss

Genetic parameters for the energy balance predicted using milk traits in Holsteins in Japan
A. Nishiura, O. Sasaki, M. Aihara, T. Tanigawa and H. Takeda

Effect of protein and rumen protected fat supplements on lipid metabolism of beef cattle
Y.H. Kim, K. Thirugnanasambantham, R. Bharanidharan, J.S. Woo and S.H. Choi

Evaluating cicer milkvetch as a feed source for cattle including forage yield and nutritive value
H.A. Lardner, L.T. Pearce and D. Damiran

Rumen-protected methionine product in lactating dairy cows
V. Sáinz De La Maza, B. Rossi, R. Paratte, A. Piva and E. Grilli

Effect of protein sources in calf starter on growth performance of pre-weaned calves
S.H. Rasmussen, C. Brøkner and M. Vestergaard

Pre-grinding super-conditioned corn affects performance of Holstein dairy cattle
A. Rahimi, A. Naserian, M. Malekkhahi and K.H. Park

Potential of Brussels sprout stems in dairy cattle diets
L. Vandaele, J. Leenknegt, B. Van Droogenbroeck and J. De Boever

Effect of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product on milk production of dairy goats
I. Yoon, F. Ysunza and A.R. Boerenkamp

Rumen liquor from slaughtered and fistulated cattle as sources of inoculum
P. Lutakome, F. Kabi and F. Tibayungwa