Session 02. Strategies of national gene banks for AnGR in Europe for long term conservation purposes and to support in situ conservation of endangered breeds

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Date: 31 August 2015; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: S.J. Hiemstra

Theatre Session 02

Challenges for an integrated strategy of gene banking for farm animals in Europe
Invited M. Tixier-Boichard

Gene banks for ex situ conservation of animal genetic resources – a global view
B. Scherf, D. Pilling, I. Hoffmann, B. Besbes, P. Boettcher, G. Leroy and R. Baumung

Strategies for sampling and use of gene bank material
Invited T.H.E. Meuwissen

Assessing the degree of endangerment of livestock breeds: a multi-indicator approach
E. Verrier, G. Leroy and C. Ramage

Strategies to conserve the potential of livestock species for adaptation
R. Wellmann, J. Bennewitz and T.H.E. Meuwissen


Drawbacks and consequences of including selection criteria in the design of semen banks
J. Fernàndez, P. Azor, M. Solè and M. Valera

The impact of Whole genome sequence data to prioritise animals for genetic diversity conservation
S.E. Eynard, J.J. Windig, S.J. Hiemstra and M.P.L. Calus

Strategies of national gene banks for AnGR for long term in Slovenia
D. Kompan, D. Bojkovski, M. Simcic, M. Zan Lotric and A. Cividini

Genetic analysis to support the re-establishment of the Kempen breed
L. Francois, S. Janssens, F.G. Colinet, N. Gengler, I. Hulsegge, J.J. Windig and N. Buys

Inbreeding in native Norwegian poultry breeds, with partially unknown maternal pedigree
L.F. Groeneveld, U. Muller, E. Groeneveld, N.H. Saether and P. Berg

Supporting genetic management of live populations with gene bank material in a cattle populations
J.J. Windig, S.J. Hiemstra, I. Hulsegge, L. Francois and N. Buys

Conservation and sustainable development of Murboden Cattle in Austria
B. Berger, S. Eaglen, J. Solkner and B. Furst-Waltl


Poster Session 02

Exclusion of admixed animals from Cika cattle in situ conservation program using SNP haplotypes
M.Simcic, J. Solkner, D. Kompan and I. Medugorac

The strategies for animal genetic resources cryoconservation in Spain
F. Tejerina, M. Castellanos, E. Martinez, F.J. Cuevas, S. Moreno, J. Urquia and A. Cabello

Genetic diversity of Zatorska goose population
M. Graczyk, K. Andres, E. Kapkowska and T. Szwaczkowski

Genetic heritage of the Eastern Belgium Red and White breed, an endangered local breed
F.G. Colinet, A. Bouffioux, P. Mayeres, M. Malzahn, L. Francois, S. Janssens, N. Buys, S.J. Hiemstra, J.J. Windig and N. Gengler

Main features of Lithuanian strategy for farm animal genetic resources
R. Sveistiene and V. Razmaite

Integrating genomic data in National Genebanks for targeted re-use of collections
E. Groeneveld, I. Hulsegge and S.J. Hiemstra

Genomic characterization of Danish farm animal genetic resources
A.A. Schonherz, V.H. Nielsen, A.C. Sorensen and B. Guldbrandtsen

Comparison of Bray Curtis and Nei’s genetic distance with Mantel test for chicken diversity data
H. Onder, L. Mercan, S.H. Abaci and A. Okumus

Genetic diversity situation of sheep in Algeria
N. Adili, M. Melizi and H. Belabbas

Genetic variation of the Polish cattle included into a conservation programme based on DNA markers
A. Radko, A. Szumiec and D. Rubiś