Session 03. Optimization of a genomic breeding program for small sized cattle populations (with Interbull)
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Date: Monday 27 August 2018; 8.30 – 12.30
Chair: S. König / R. Reents
Theatre Session 03
Identification of bovine copy number variants in two genomic information sources
A.M. Butty, F. Miglior, K. Krivushin, J. Grant, A. Kommadath, F.S. Schenkel, P. Stothard and C.F. Baes
The use of runs of homozygosity in managing long term diversity in livestock populations
C. Maltecca, G. Gebregiwergi, C. Baes and F. Tiezzi
A 2-step-stratey to infer genome-wide associations for endoparasite traits in local DSN cattle
K. May, C. Scheper, K. Brügemann, T. Yin, C. Strube, P. Korkuc, G.A. Brockmann and S. König
Genetic parameters of novel mid-infrared predicted milk traits in three dual-purpose cattle breeds
S. Vanderick, F.G. Colinet, A. Mineur, R.R. Mota, N. Gengler and H. Hammami
RekomBre – a tool to simulate and compare large scale breeding programs
T. Pook, M. Schlather and H. Simianer
Testing different genomic selection scenarios in a small cattle population by simulation
J. Obsteter, J. Jenko, J.M. Hickey and G. Gorjanc
Breed specific reference genomes in cattle
B. Czech, M. Mielczarek, M. Frąszczak and J. Szyda
Opportunities and challenges for small populations of dairy cattle
H. Jorjani
Application of ssGBLUP using random regression models in the Ayrshire and Jersey breeds
H.R. Oliveira, L.F. Brito, D.A.L. Lourenco, Y. Masuda, I. Misztal, S. Tsuruta, J. Jamrozik, F.F. Silva and F.S. Schenkel
Improving genomic prediction in numerically small Red dairy cattle populations
J. Marjanovic, B. Hulsegge, A. Schurink and M.P.L. Calus
An equation to predict accuracy of multi-breed genomic prediction model with multiple random effects
B. Raymond, A.C. Bouwman, Y.C.J. Wientjes, C. Schrooten, J. Houwing-Duistermaat and R.F. Veerkamp
Integration of external information into the national multitrait evaluation model
T.J. Pitkänen, M. Koivula, I. Strandén, G.P. Aamand and E.A. Mäntysaari
New approach to calculate inbreeding effective population size from runs of homozygosity
G. Gorjanc, J.M. Hickey and I. Curik
Poster Session 03
Inbreeding and effective population size of Holstein cattle in Brazil
V.B. Pedrosa, M.F. Sieklicki, H.A. Mulim, A.A. Valloto and L.F.B. Pinto
Genomic inbreeding estimation and effective population size of three SA dairy cattle breeds
J. Limper, C. Visser and E. Van Marle Koster
Effect of including only genotype of animals with accurate proofs in ssGBLUP using random regression
H.R. Oliveira, L.F. Brito, D.A.L. Lourenco, Y. Masuda, I. Misztal, S. Tsuruta, J. Jamrozik, F.F. Silva and F.S. Schenkel
Effect of phenotypic selection on the genomic inbreeding in Nelore cattle
M.E.Z. Mercadante, D.F. Cardoso, D.J.A. Santos, S.F.M. Bonilha, J.N.S.G. Cyrillo, H. Tonhati and L.G. Albuquerque
Genomic predictions of principal components for growth traits and visual scores in Nellore cattle
G. Vargas, F.S. Schenkel, L.F. Brito, L.G. Albuquerque, H.H.R. Neves, D.P. Munari and R. Carvalheiro
Estimation of inbreeding and effective population size in Simmental cattle using genomic information
N. Karapandža, I. Curik, M. Špehar and M. Ferenčaković