Session 04. Redesigning selection objectives to account for long-term challenges

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Date: 26 August 2013; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: Knap

Theatre Session 04

08.30 Breeding goals in the era of increasingly scarce and competing resources
Invited E. Wall, R. Rees and D. Moran

09.00 Improvement of a method to predict individual enteric methane emission of cows from milk MIR spectra
A. Vanlierde, F. Dehareng, E. Froidmont, N. Gengler, H. Soyeurt, P.B. Kandel, S. McParland, E. Lewis, M. Deighton and P. Dardenne

09.15 Future needs and challenges in dairy cattle breeding – based on a survey with Austrian farmers
F. Steininger, B. Fuerst-Waltl, C. Pfeiffer, C. Fuerst, H. Schwarzenbacher and C. Egger-Danner

09.30 Breeding pigs for heat tolerance: challenges to face
J.-L. Gourdine, D. Renaudeau, J. Riquet, J.-P. Bidanel and H. Gilbert

09.45 Defining a breeding goal for sustainable farming of Atlantic salmon
H.M. Nielsen, I. Olesen, B. Gjerde, K.M. Grimsrud and S. Navrud

10.45 Re-designing selection objectives to improve animal welfare
Invited S.P. Turner, T.B. Rodenburg, S. Desire, E. Wall, L. Canario, R.B. D’Eath, C.M. Dwyer and R. Roehe

11.15 Consequences of selection for indirect genetic effects on growth for production traits in pigs
I. Camerlink, N. Duijvesteijn, J.E. Bolhuis, J.A.M. Van Arendonk and P. Bijma

11.30 Updating the breeding goals based on a bio-economic model in a French Holstein system
D. Pinard and D. Regaldo

12.00 The cost of batch variability as a component of economic values for robustness traits
P. Amer and S. Hermesch


Poster Session  04

A modeling tool to define breeding goals in cattle, sheep and goats
J. Guerrier, C. Experton, S. Patin and F. Phocas