Session 05. Dairy herd reproduction management strategies for improved efficiency
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Dairy herd reproduction management strategies for improved efficiency
J.M.E. Statham, M.W. Spilman and K.L. Burton
Randomized field study of extended lactation in 48 Danish dairy herds
V.M. Thorup, G. Simpson, A.M.H. Kjeldsen, L.A.H. Nielsen and S. Østergaard
Consequences of an extended lactation for metabolism of dairy cows in different stages of lactation
E.E.A. Burgers, R.M.A. Goselink, R.M. Bruckmaier, J.J. Gross, A. Kok and A.T.M. Van Knegsel
Milk yield during second lactation after an extended voluntary waiting period in primiparous cows
EdvardssonRasmussen, C. Kronqvist, E. Strandberg and K. Holtenius
Fertility in high yielding dairy cows with extended second lactation – a randomized controlled trial
Hansson,C. Kronqvist, R. Båge and K. Holtenius
Extended lactation as a potential strategy to effectively manage calf numbers in dairy farming
Gresham,C. Reiber and M.G. Chagunda
Individual approach of extended lactation period in dairy cows to reduce the use of antibiotics
Sanftleben,T. Kuhlow and A. Römer
What is an optimal body condition profile for reproduction in dairy cows?
Dezetter,F. Bidan, L. Delaby, S. Fréret and N. Bédère
Increasing longevity of dairy cows reduces methane emissions and improves economy in dairy herds
J.B. Clasen, W.F. Fikse, M. Ramin and M. Lindberg
Evolution in performances of French dairy cattle herds transitioning towards 3-breed crossbreeding
Quénon,S. Ingrand and M.-A. Magne
Effect of pre & postpartum DCAD levels on productive and reproductive performance of female buffaloe 151
Metwallyand S. Elmashed
System dynamics for complexity understanding in animal nutrition and farm management
A.S. Atzori, B. Atamer-Balkan and A. Gallo
Relations between animal, carcass and meat characteristics across 15 European breeds
Albechaalany,M.P. Ellies-Oury, J. Saracco, M.M. Campo, I. Richardson, P. Ertbjerg, M. Christensen, B. Panea, S. Failla, J.L. Williams and J.F. Hocquette
Multivariate analysis of beef carcass traits processed by a slaughterhouse in Brazil
N.S.R. Mendes, S. Chriki, M.P. Ellies-Oury, V. Payet, T.F. Oliveira and J.F. Hocquette
Comparison of culling reasons of 30 Swiss dairy farms with low versus high productive lifespans
R.C. Eppenstein and M. Walkenhorst
Genetic evaluation of reproductive efficiency traits in Portuguese Holstein Cattle
Rocha,H.T. Silva, C.N. Costa and J. Carvalheira
Effect of cow resting time during dry period on colostrum production and quality
Gislon,A. Sandrucci, A. Tamburini, S. Mondini, M. Zucali, S. Bonizzi and L. Bava
Gestation length in Swiss Holstein cows
Burrenand H. Joerg
Theobromine promotes short-term and long-term sperm survival in a dose-dependent manner
Ďuračka,J. Kováč, F. Benko, N. Lukáč and E. Tvrdá
Metabolic and endocrine profiles in Holstein cows with different managements during early lactation
A.L. Astessiano, M.N. Viera, E.J. Smeding and A.I. Trujillo
Monitoring reproductive and genetic health of F1 dairy × beef cows through cytogenetic investigation
Nicolae,A. Sipos, B. Groseanu and D. Gavojdian
Defoliation intensity: milk production and composition of late lactating Holstein cows
Fast,G. Menegazzi, M. Oborsky, P. Chilibroste and D. Mattiauda
Prediction of live weight from linear conformation traits in dairy cattle
Burrenand S. Probst