Session 05. Industry session: Precision Livestock Farming; making sense of sensors to support farm management – part 1
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Date: 25 August 2014; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: I. Halachmi/T. Banhazi
Theatre Session 05
08.30 Smart farming for Europe – value creation through precision livestock farming
Invited D. Berckmans
09.00 Detecting lameness in sows using acceleration data from eartags
C. Scheel, I. Traulsen and J. Krieter
09.15 Usage of tri-axial acceleration of the hind leg for recognizing sheep behavior
M. Radeski and V. Ilieski
09.30 Effect of cow traffic on an implemented automatic 3D vision monitor for dairy cow locomotion
T. Van Hertem, M. Steensels, S. Viazzi, C. Bahr, C.E.B. Romanini, C. Lokhorst, A. Schlageter Tello, E. Maltz, I. Halachmi and D. Berckmans
09.45 Development of kinect based self calibrating system for movement analysis in dairy cows
J. Salau, J.H. Haas and W. Junge
10.00 Panel discussion: Precision livestock farming: application of automatic lameness detection
I. Halachmi
10.45 Precision dairy monitoring: what have we learned?
Invited J.M. Bewley
11.15 Characterization of dairy farms with and without sensor technology
W. Steeneveld, H. Hogeveen and A.G.J.M. Oude Lansink
11.30 Economic modelling to evaluate the benefits of precision livestock farming technologies
C. Kamphuis and H. Hogeveen
11.45 Developing SmartFarming entrepreneurship – first year results EU-PLF
H. Lehr, J. Van Den Bossche, D. Roses and M. Mergeay
12.00 Practical problems associated with large scale deployment of PLF technologies on commercial farms
T. Banhazi, E. Vranken, D. Berckmans, L. Rooijakkers and D. Berckmans
12.15 Panel discussion: How precision livestock farming deliver added-value to farmers
T. Banhazi
Poster Session 05
Preliminary comparison of SSN and linear models used for evaluation of meat content in young pigs
M. Szyndler-Nedza, K. Bartocha and M. Tyra
Lameness detection in gestating sows using positioning and acceleration data
I. Traulsen, S. Breitenberger, K. Müller and J. Krieter
Effect of individualized feeding strategy on milk production of Holstein cows
C. Gaillard, M. Vestergaard, M.R. Weisbjerg and J. Sehested
Monitoring the nest building and parturition progress using acceleration data
C. Cornou and A.R. Kristensen
Finding cattle hidden in the bushes and woods by using GPS
A.H. Herlin
Development of an on-farm SowSIS (sow stance information system): hurdles to tackle
J. Maselyne, L. Pluym, J. Vangeyte, B. Ampe, S. Millet, F. Tuyttens, K.C. Mertens and A. Van Nuffel
Automated recognition of activity states in dairy cows by combining multiple sensors
J. Behmann, K. Hendriksen, U. Müller, S. Walzog, H. Sauerwein, W. Büscher and L. Plümer
Dynamic precision feeding of growing pigs using a new automatic feeder linked to a weighing station
P. Massabie, M. Marcon and N. Quiniou
Development of automated calf cough detection: preliminary results
J. Vandermeulen, E. Tullo, I. Fontana, D. Johnston, B. Earley, M. Hemeryck, C. Bahr, M. Guarino and D. Berckmans
An exploratory study of the relation of pH data from pens boluses with othe sensor data
R.M. De Mol, Y.A.H.M. Van Roosmalen, M.-H. Troost, A. Sterk, R. Jorritsma and P.H. Hogewerf
Automatically monitoring dairy cows’ body condition with a time-of-flight camera
J. Salau, J.H. Haas, A. Weber, W. Junge, U. Bauer, J. Harms, S. Bieletzki, O. Suhr and K. Schönrock
Creation of universal MIR calibrations by standardization of milk spectra: example of fatty acids
C. Grelet, J.A. Fernandez Pierna, H. Soyeurt, F. Dehareng, N. Gengler and P. Dardenne