Session 06. Introducing the SMARTCOW infrastructure project

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Date: Monday 27 August 2018; 8.30 – 12.30
Chair: J.F. Hocquette

Theatre Session 06

SmartCow: integrating research infrastructures to foster innovation in the European cattle sector
R. Baumont, R. Dewhurst, B. Kuhla, C. Martin, L. Munksgaard, C. Reynolds, M. O’Donovan and A. Rosati

Transnational access to leading European cattle research facilities in the EU project SmartCow
B. Esmein, R.J. Dewhurst, L. Munksgaard and R. Baumont

SmartCow’s training and capacity building activities
P. Dumonthier, P. Esmein and R. Baumont

Stakeholders engagement in SmartCow
F. Macherez, B. Eismein and R. Baumont