Session 07. Challenge session: New legal landscape guiding access and benefit sharing of animal genetic resources

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Date: 29 August 2016; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: E. Martyniuk


Theatre Session 07

ABC of the Nagoya Protocol 158
invited E. Martyniuk

The implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the EU
invited A. Kozłowska

Exchange of animal genetic resources in research
invited M. Tixier-Boichard

Genetic resources in commercial animal breeding
invited J.G.B. Venneman


FAO contribution to support implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in agriculture
invited I. Hoffmann and R. Baumung

Case studies performed in preparation of the EU Sectorial Guideline on Animal Breeding
invited B. Visser

Round table discussion with all speakers
Potential questions:
• What activities in breeding sector can be considered as ‘utilisation’ as defined by the Nagoya Protocol?
• What is and potentially might be the impact of the new law on exchange of biological material for research purposes?
• What is and potentially might be the impact of a new law on trade of live animals and their reproductive material?