Session 09. Genetic diversity and conservation

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Date: Monday 27 August 2018; 14.00 – 18.00
Chair: J. Bennewitz

Theatre Session 09

Removal of haplotype segments originating from foreign breeds using optimum contribution selection
R. Wellmann, Y. Wang and J. Bennewitz

Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA in the East Adriatic goats
I. Drzaic, D. Novosel, I. Curik and V. Cubric-Curik

Population structure and genetic diversity of Drežnica goat from Slovenia: preliminary results
M. Simčič, I. Medugorac, D. Bojkovski and S. Horvat

Genetic diversity of Tibetan Terrier
M. Janes, M. Zorc, V. Cubric-Curik, I. Curik and P. Dovč

Genomic diversity using copy number variations in worldwide chicken populations
E. Gorla, F. Bertolini, M.G. Strillacci, M.C. Cozzi, S.I. Roman-Ponce, F.J. Ruiz, V.V. Vega, C.M.B. Dematawewa, D. Kugonza, A. Elbeltagy, C.J. Schmidt, S.J. Lamont, A. Bagnato and M.F. Rothschild

Analysis of a large cattle data suggests ZFAT has pleiotropic effects on cattle growth and lethality
J. Jenko, M.C. McClure, D. Matthews, J. McClure, G. Gorjanc and J.M. Hickey

The CRB-Anim web portal: access to biological resources for animal sciences
S. Marthey, A. Delavaud, N. Marthey and M. Tixier-Boichard

Conservation genomic analyses of Croatian autochthonous pig breeds
M. Ferenčaković, B. Lukić, D. Šalamon, V. Orehovački, M. Čačić, I. Curik, L. Iacolina and V. Cubric-Curik

Genome-wide diversity and admixture of Angler and Red-and-White dual purpose cattle
S. Addo, M. Morszeck, D. Hinrichs and G. Thaller

The conservation status of Dalmatian pramenka sheep using high-throughput molecular information
D. Šalamon, M. Ferenčaković, I. Drzaic, E. Ciani, J.A. Lenstra, I. Curik and V. Cubric-Curik

Genomic data as a prerequisite for efficient conservation programme of the Czech Red cattle
K. Novák, J. Kyselová, V. Czerneková and V. Mátlová

Conservation genomics in the management of the Mouflon population from the hunting area Kalifront
V. Cubric-Curik, M. Oršanić, D. Ugarković, M. Ferenčaković and I. Curik

Genomic homo- and heterozygosity in a commercial turkey population
C.F. Baes, B.J. Wood, F. Malchiodi, K. Peeters, P. Van As and G. Marras

Poster Session 09

Quality of biological material stored at the National Biobank of the NRIAP
J. Sikora, A. Kawęcka, M. Puchała, P. Majchrowski and A. Szul

The genetic resources preservation of Romanian Grey Steppe cattle by using cytogenetic screening
I. Nicolae and D. Gavojdian

Biodiversity of the Carniolan honeybee in Croatia
Z. Puskadija, M. Kovacic, K. Tucak, N. Raguz and B. Lukic

The genetic diversity and origin of the Belgian Milksheep using pedigree and genomic information
R. Meyermans, K. Wijnrocx, N. Buys and S. Janssens

Economic impact of inbreeding over weaning weight, yearling weight and cow productivity in Nellore
G.C. Mamani, B.F. Santana, G.L. Sartorello, B.A. Silva, E.C. Mattos, J.P. Eler, G. Morota and J.B.S. Ferraz

Genetics of coat colour variation in South African Nguni cattle
L.M. Kunene, E.F. Dzomba, F.C. Muchadeyi, G. Mészáros and J. Sölkner

Estimation of effective population size based on genealogical and molecular data by different method
L. Vostry, H. Vostra-Vydrova, B. Hofmanova, Z. Vesela, A. Novotna and I. Majzlik

Conservation of livestock (including horses) biodiversity in Poland
A. Chełmińska and I. Tomczyk-Wrona

The maintenance of genetic diversity in local Rendena cattle through optimal contribution selection
C. Sartori, N. Guzzo and R. Mantovani

Resources and characteristics of gene pool of native breed Latvian Blue cow in 2017
I. Sematovica, M. Lidaks and I. Kanska