Session 10. Industry session: Precision Livestock Farming; making sense of sensors to support farm management – part 2
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Date: 25 August 2014; 14:00 – 18:00 hours
Chairperson: I. Halachmi/B. Early/M. Klopcic
Theatre Session 10
14.00 The effect of gradual weaning on leukocyte relative gene expression levels in dairy calves
D. Johnston, D.A. Kenny, R. Rubio Contreras, S.M. Waters, M. McCabe, A. Kelly, M. McGee and B. Earley
14.15 Monitoring the physiological and behavioral stress response of calves following pre-marketing mixing
S. Weyl-Feinstein, A. Orlov, M. Yshay, R. Agmon, V. Sibony, M. Steensels, I. Itzhaki and A. Shabtay
14.30 Investigating the use of rumination sensors during the peripartum period in dairy cows
D.N. Liboreiro, K.S. Machado, M.I. Endres and R.C. Chebel
14.45 Monitoring stress behavior in grazing beef cows
R. Gabrieli
15.00 Using real time cow information for daily grazing management
A.H. Ipema, G. Holshof and R.M. De Mol
15.15 The potential of using sensor data to predict the moment of calving for dairy cows
C.J. Rutten, W. Steeneveld, C. Kamphuis and H. Hogeveen
15.30 Panel discussion: PLF in genetics & health of beef, calves and heifers
B. Earley
16.15 Repeatability of rumination time in individual dairy cows
P. Løvendahl, A. Fogh and M.V. Byskov
16.30 Dairy farm evaluation of rumen pH bolus data: identifying the benefits
T.T.F. Mottram
16.45 Biopara-milk a whole cow simulation model – assessment of rumen pH predictions
V. Ambriz-Vilchis, N. Jessop, R. Fawcett, D. Shaw and A. Macrae
17.00 Feeding concentrate in early lactation based on rumination time
M.V. Byskov, M.R. Weisbjerg, B. Markussen, O. Aaes and P. Nørgaard
17.15 Ability to estimate feed intake from presence at feeding trough and chewing activity
C. Pahl, A. Haeussermann, K. Mahlkow-Nerge, A. Grothmann and E. Hartung
17.30 Precision farming and models for improving cattle performance and economics
Invited I. Halachmi
17.45 Panel discussion: Rumen sensing, feed intake & precise feeding
I. Halachmi