Session 11. Integrating biological knowledge into genetic studies

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Date: 31 August 2015; 14:00 – 18:00 hours
Chairperson: T. Suchocki

Theatre Session 11

Variation in the cattle genome – what it does and what it means
Invited B. Guldbrandtsen, M.B. Hansen and G. Sahana

Multi-breed genomic prediction from whole genome sequence data in dairy cattle
Invited B.J. Hayes, I. Macleod, A. Capitan, H.D. Daetwyler and P.J. Bowman

Gene and pathway analysis of metabolic traits in dairy cows
N.-T. Ha, J.J. Gross, H.A. Van Dorland, J. Tetens, G. Thaller, M. Schlather, R.M. Bruckmaier and H. Simianer

Dissecting complex traits in pigs: metabotypes illuminate genomics for practical applications
L. Fontanesi, G. Schiavo, S. Bovo, G. Mazzoni, F. Fanelli, A. Ribani, V.J. Utzeri, D. Luise, A.B. Samore, G. Galimberti, D.G. Calo, A. Manisi, F. Bertolini, M. Mezzullo, U. Pagotto, S. Dall’olio, P. Trevisi and P. Bosi


Towards better understanding of genetic variation in dairy cattle breeds
J. Szyda, K. Wojdak-Maksymiec, G. Minozzi, E. Nicolazzi, C. Diaz, A. Rossoni, C. Egger-Danner, J. Woolliams, L. Varona, R. Giannico, H. Schwarzenbacher, C. Ferrandi, T. Solberg, F. Seefried, D. Vicario and J. Williams

Using sequences data to identify causal variants for milk fatty acids composition in dairy cattle
A. Govignon-Gion, M.P. Sanchez, P. Croiseau, A. Barbat, S. Fritz, M. Boussaha, M. Brochard and D. Boichard

Whole genome mapping of genes affecting fatness in pigs using linear mixed model and Bayesian method
D.N. Do and H.N. Kadarmideen

Molecular response to heat stress and lipopolysaccharide in chicken macrophage-like cell line
A. Slawinska, M.G. Kaiser and S.J. Lamont

Data integration and network reconstruction with muscle metabolome and meat quality data in pig
J. Welzenbach, C. Grose-Brinkhaus, C. Neuhoff, C. C. Looft, K. Schellander and E. Tholen

Development of a genetic marker panel to predict reproductive longevity in Holstein cattle
K. Żukowski, N. Jain, J. Joshi, J.E. Koenig, R.G. Beiko and H. Van Der Steen

A framework to incorporate knowledge on gene interaction into genomic relationship
J.W.R. Martini, M. Erbe, V. Wimmer and H. Simianer


Poster Session 11

Identification of genomic regions related to marbling in Nellore cattle
M.E. Carvalho, F. Baldi, M.H.A. Santana, R.V. Ventura, G.A. Oliveira Junior, R.S. Bueno, M.N. Bonin, F.M. Rezende and J.B.S. Ferraz

Effect of pathway-based low-density SNP panels in pigs
T. Okamura, Y. Takahagi, C. Kojima-Shibata, H. Kadowaki, E. Suzuki, M. Nishio, M. Matsumoto, H. Uenishi, K. Suzuki and M. Satoh

IDH3B genotypes relate with carcass traits in an F2 between Landrace and the Jeju (Korea) Black pig
S.H. Han, Y.J. Kang, Y.K. Kim, H.S. Oh and I.C. Cho

Impact of somatic nuclear reprogramming on DNA methylation in bovine placental and foetal tissues:
M. Guillomot, A. Prezelin, H. Kiefer, L. Jouneau, F. Piumi, J. Tost, V. Renaud, C. Richard, D. Lebourhis, N. Beaujean, T. Aguirre-Lanvin, J. Salvaing, J.P. Renard and H. Jammes

Systems genetics and transcriptomics of feed efficiency in Nordic dairy cattle
S. Mohamad Salleh, J. Hoglund, P. Lovendahl and H.N. Kadarmideen

The covariance between genotypic effects in half-sib families
D. Wittenburg, F. Teuscher and N. Reinsch

LTBP2 genotypes relate with carcass traits in an F2 Population between Landrace and Jeju Black pig
I.C. Cho, Y.J. Kang, Y.K. Kim, H.S. Oh and S.H. Han

Genetic parameters for indicator traits of the endoparasites resistance in Santa Ines sheep
C.C.P. Paz, E.J. Oliveira, R.L.D. Costa, L. El Faro, F.F. Simili and A.E. Vercesi Filho

A novel mutation of BMP-15 and GDF-9 gene in the Romanov sheep breed in Poland
G. Smołucha, A. Piestrzyńska-Kajtoch and B. Rejduch

Screening of indigenous sheep for the prolificacy associated DNA markers
G. Smołucha, A. Piestrzyńska-Kajtoch, A. Kozubska-Sobocińska and B. Rejduch

Fourier transform infrared for breed identification and meat quality analysis of chicken meat
A. Molee, K. Thumanu, S. Okrathok and S. Pitagwong