Session 11. Limits to productive performance and welfare in livestock: physiological evidence and sensing strategies
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Fundamentals, difficulties and pitfalls on the development of precision nutrition techniques
Pomarand A. Remus
Contact voltages <0.5V in feeders and drinkers affects inflammatory and oxidative status of piglets
Nicolazo,E. Merlot, G. Boulbria, C. Clouard, A. Lebret, R. Comte, C. Chevance, J. Jeusselin, V. Normand and C. Teixeira-Costa
The ECO-PIG project: use of a new high fibre feed for outdoor finishing of intact male local pigs
J.M. Martins, R. Charneca, R. Varino, A. Albuquerque, A. Freitas, J. Neves, F. Costa, C. Marmelo, A. Ramos and L. Martin
Effect of a methionine supplementation on the response of goats infected by H. contortus
Montout,H. Archimède, N. Minatchy, D. Feuillet, Y. Félicité and J.-C. Bambou
Effect of melatonin in pregnant ewes on productive and immunological parameters of their offspring
Canto,S. Luis and J.A. Abecia
Rumen fill limits fractional absorption rate of volatile fatty acids
Dieho,P. Piantoni, G. Schroeder and J. Dijkstra
Combined approaches to reduce stress and improve welfare and production efficiency in beef cattle
Cohen-Zinder,Y. Ben-Meir, R. Agmon, F. Gracia, E. Shor-Shimoni, S. Kaakoosh, Y. Salzer and A. Shabtay
Effect of feed particle size on rumen fluid dynamics in dairy cows
Dieho,P. Piantoni, G. Schroeder, D. Braamhaar, A.T.M. Van Knegsel and J. Dijkstra
Hypocalcaemia prevention programs in commercial dairy herds: from experimental results to practice
Aubineau,R. Guatteo and A. Boudon
Variability of lactose in milk and in blood during the first 36 weeks of lactation of dairy cows
Gaillard,M. Boutinaud, J. Sehested and J. Guinard-Flament
Locomotor activity of lambs reared by their mothers or artificially reared, measured by actigraphy
J.A. Abecia, C. Canudo and F. Canto
Litter size and reproductive response to hormonal induction in spring-lambing ewes
Pérez-Clariget,J. Bottino, F. Corrales and R. Ungerfeld
Welfare evaluation in buffalo species by risk assessment methodology: the Classyfarm system
Vecchio,G. Cappelli, G. Di Vuolo, E. De Carlo, F. Fusi, V. Lorenzi, G. De Rosa, F. Napolitano and L. Bertocchi
Relationship between selection for yearling weight and mature size in Nellore females
J.N.S.G. Cyrillo, J.V. Portes, L. El Faro, S.F.M. Bonilha, C.H.F. Zago, R.C. Canesin, L.T. Dias and M.E.Z. Mercadante
Reproductive traits in Portuguese Minhota beef cattle
P.M. Araújo, J.L. Cerqueira, A. Kowalczyk, M. Camiña, J. Sobreiro and J.P. Araújo
Young cattle fattening with grass fodder and by-products from agri-food industry
Sepchatand P. Dimon
Effect of melatonin implants in pregnant dairy ewes on milk yield and composition
Cantoand J.A. Abecia
Benchmarking of claw health and lameness in Austrian dairy cattle
Egger-Danner,M. Suntinger, M. Mayerhofer, K. Linke, L. Maurer, A. Fiedler, A. Hund, J. Duda and J. Kofler
Interplay between IFN gamma and prokineticin 1 to regulate genes in porcine uterus
S.E. Song and J. Kim
Haemonchus contortus replacement in a sheep flock as an approach to control anthelmintic resistance
A.C.S. Chagas, A.P. Minho, L.A. Anholeto, R.T.I. Kapritchkoff, L.A.L. Santos and S.N. Esteves
The impact of using internal teat seal or antibiotic at dry-off on SCC in the following lactation
Clabby,S. McParland, P. Dillon, S. Arkins and P. Silva Boloña
Phytoparasiticides in livestock animals – the ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology approach
CarvalhoDa Silva, N. Farinha, O. Póvoa and L. Meisel
Detection of chemical residues of acaricide in Wagyu breed oocyte donor cows
V.E.G. Silva, M.A. Andreazzi, F.L.B. Cavalieri, J.E. Gonçalves, J.E.G. Santos, I.P. Emanuelli, D.A.B. Moreski, G.G. Fanhani and L.P. Mardigan
Induction of twin gestation in beef cows
K.C. Bazzo, M.A. Andreazzi, F.L.B. Cavalieri, A.I. Toma, K.S. Silva, I.P. Emanuelli and A.H.B. Colombo