Session 11. The role of imported genetics for sustainable breeding programmes
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Date: 26 August 2013; 14:00 – 18:00 hours
Chairperson: Baumung
Theatre Session 11
14.00 How sustainable animal breeding is helping to feed the world
Invited D.E. Howard
14.45 Global layer breeding with special focus on sustainability
Invited R. Preisinger
15.30 The decreasing role of native genetic resources in modern Ukrainian pig production
O. Kravchenko, A. Getya and O. Kodak
16.15 Crossbreeding dairy cattle: introduction and impact on tropical smallholder production systems
R. Roschinsky, J. Sölkner, R. Puskur and M. Wurzinger
16.45 Influence of Holstein Friesian and other varieties on Lithuanian native cattle
R. Sveistiene and E. Kauryniene
17.00 Imported genetics as a basis of a sustainable development of beef cattle sector in Poland
P. Dakowski, B. Konopka, E. Martyniuk, J. Denkiewicz and A. Strawa-Harasymowicz
17.30 Inbreeding and impact of foreign dairy cattle breeds in the German Angeln dairy cattle population
D. Hinrichs and G. Thaller
17.45 Recovery of native genomes of conserved breeds with optimum contribution selection
R. Wellmann and J. Bennewitz
Poster Session 11
Toll-like receptor gene polymorphism in the indigenous Czech cattle breeds
K. Novak