Session 14. Postpartum key factors associated with better lamb and kid survival

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Date: Monday 27 August 2018; 14.00 – 18.00
Chair: J.M. Gautier

Theatre Session 14

What is needed to improve sheep productivity in EU and Turkey?
I. Beltrán De Heredia, R.J. Ruiz, C. Morgan-Davies, C.M. Dwyer, T.W.J. Keady, A. Carta, D. Gavojdian, S. Ocak, F. Corbière and J.M. Gautier

Reproductive indicators in sheep farming systems in Europe and Turkey
R.J. Ruiz, I. Beltran De Heredia, C. Morgan-Davies, C. Dwyer, P. Frater, T.W.J. Keady, A. Carta, D. Gavojdian, S. Ocak, F. Corbière and J.M. Gautier

Genetic parameters for lamb mortality, birth coat score and growth in divergently selected Merinos
S.W.P. Cloete, J.B. Van Wyk and J.J. Olivier

Keeping watch on ewes: an approach to lambing difficulties in sheep
S. Schmoelzl, J. McNally, H. Brewer and A. Ingham

Better knowledge for colostrum production and transfer of passive immunity in sheep
F. Corbiere and J.M. Gautier

Lamb rearing options for New Zealand dairy sheep systems
S. McCoard, T. MacDonald, P. Gatley, M. King, J. Ryrie and D. Stevens

Poster session
J.M. Gautier

SheepNet – increasing ewe productivity in the EU and Turkey
T.W.J. Keady and J.M. Gautier

Poster Session 14

Effects of farm management practices on reproduction efficiency and lamb survival
D. Gavojdian, L.T. Cziszter and I. Padeanu

Maternal behaviour of ewes of Chios and Florina (Pelagonia) breeds – differences and utilization
M.A. Karatzia, D. Tsiokos, B. Kotsampasi and V. Christodoulou

Lamb survival in highly fertile Finnsheep and best practice in Finland
M.L. Sevon-Aimonen, S. Eklund and S. Alamikkotervo