Session 19. Impact of stockmanship on animal welfare and integrity

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Date: 28 August 2012; 14:00 – 18:00 hours
Chairperson: Stassen

Theatre Session 19 

Animal Integrity: an absolute concept?
Gremmen, B.

Standards of integrity and compromises for the sake economic feasibility
Jensen, K.K.

Do cows (should) have horns ?
Marie, M.

The impact of stockmanship on the welfare of growing pigs
Von Borell, E. and Schaeffer, D.

Assessment of fear and human animal relationship in finishing pigs at the slaughterhouse
Dalmau, A.

The impact of stockmanship on the welfare of sows
Spoolder, H.A.M., Hoofs, A.I.J. and Vermeer, H.M.