Session 22. Genomic selection in practice

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Date: 1st September 2015; 14:00 – 18:00 hours
Chairperson: I. Misztal

Theatre Session 22

Challenges in dairy breeding under genomic selection
Invited T.J. Lawlor, I. I. Misztal, Y. Masuda and S. Tsuruta

Accuracy of genomic prediction using whole genome sequence data in White egg layer chickens
M. Heidaritabar, M.P.L. Calus, H.-J. Megens, M.A.M. Groenen, A. Vereijken and J.W.M. Bastiaansen

Usage of genomic information to distinguish between full sibs in layer breeding schemes
M. Erbe, D. Cavero, R. Preisinger and H. Simianer

Realized accuracies for males and females with genomic information on males, females, or both
D.A.L. Lourenco, B.O. Fragomeni, S. Tsuruta, I. Aguilar, B. Zumbach, R. Hawken, A. Legarra and I. Misztal

Genetic evaluation for three way crossbreeding
O.F. Christensen, A. Legarra, M.S. Lund and G. Su

Pedigree and genomic evaluation of pigs using a terminal cross model
L. Tusell, H. Gilbert, J. Riquet, M.J. Mercat, A. Legarra and C. Larzul


Comparison of different Marker-Assisted BLUP models for a new French genomic evaluation
P. Croiseau, A. Baur, D. Jonas, C. Hoze, J. Promp, D. Boichard, S. Fritz and V. Ducrocq

Genomics, sexed semen: changes in reproduction choices in French dairy herds
P. Le Mezec, M. Benoit, S. Moureaux and C. Patry

Validation of single step genomic BLUP in field data
S. Wijga, A.M.F.M. Sprangers, R. Bergsma and E.F. Knol

Approaches to improve genomic predictions in Danish Jersey
G. Su, P. Ma, U.S. Nielsen, G.P. Aamand and M.S. Lund

Genotyping of cows improves the accuracy of genomic breeding values for Norwegian Red cattle
O. Nordbo, T.R. Solberg and T. Meuwissen

Genomic testing of cows and heifers: An industry perspective
S.A.E. Eaglen, G.C.B. Schopen, L.I. Stoffelen, C. Schrooten, M.P.L. Calus, A.P.W. De Roos and C. Van Der Linde

Overview of beef cattle national genomic evaluation in France
R. Saintilan, T. Tribout, M. Barbat, M.-N. Fouilloux, E. Venot and F. Phocas


Posters Session 22

Genome-wide association study for carcass traits in Nellore cattle
G.C. Venturini, R.M.O. Silva, D.G.M. Gordo, G.A. Fernandes Junior, B.O. Fragomeni, D.F. Diercles, F. Baldi, R. Espigolan, J.N.S.G. Cyrillo, M.E.Z. Mercadante and L.G. Albuquerque

Genome wide association study of reproductive traits in Nellore heifers using Bayesian inference
R.B. Costa, G.M.F. Camargo, I.D.P.S. Diaz, N. Irano, M.M. Diaz, R. Carvalheiro, A.A. Boligon, F. Baldi, H.N. Oliveira, H. Tonhati and L.G. Albuquerque

Genomic evaluation of milk production and fertility traits in Russian Holstein cattle
A.A. Sermyagin, E.A. Gladyr, S.N. Kharitonov, A.N. Ermilov, I.N. Yanchukov, N.I. Strekozov and N.A. Zinovieva

Comparison of simulated dairy cattle breeding schemes for residual feed intake
S.E. Wallen and T.H.E. Meuwissen

Predictability of parametric and semi-parametric models for meat tenderness in Nellore cattle
R. Espigolan, D.A. Garcia, D.G.M. Gordo, R.L. Tonussi, A.F.B. Magalhaes, T. Bresolin, C.U. Braz, G.A. Fernandes Junior, W.B.F. Andrade, R.M.O. Silva, L. Takada, L.A.L. Chardulo, R. Carvalheiro, F. Baldi and L.G. Albuquerque

Genome-wide association study for carcass weight in Nelore cattle
G.A. Fernandes Junior, R.B. Costa, D.A. Garcia, R. Espigolan, R. Carvalheiro, F. Baldi, G.J.M. Rosa, G.M.F. Camargo, D.G.M. Gordo, R.L. Tonussi, A.F.B. Magalhaes, T. Bresolin, L.A.L. Chardulo and L.G. Albuquerque

Identification of genomic regions associated with reproductive traits in Holstein-Friesian bulls
T.R. Carthy, K.E. Kemper, D.P. Berry, R.D. Evans and J.E. Pryce

Analyses on the impact of foreign breed contribution on genomic breeding value estimation
A. Bunz, G. Thaller and D. Hinrichs

GWAS on conception rate and milk production in different stages of lactation for first three parities in US Holsteins
S. Tsuruta, D.A.L. Lourenco, I. Aguilar and I. Misztal

Database management of single nucleotide polymorphisms for use in Polish genomic evaluation
K. Żukowski, J. Makarski, K. Mazanek and A. Prokowski

Performance of pedigree- and genome-based coancestries on selection programmes
S.T. Rodriguez-Ramilo, L.A. Garcia-Cortes and M.A.R. De Cara

Identification of epistasis by comparing SNP effects estimated based on EBVs and on phenotypes
T. Suchocki, A. Zarnecki and J. Szyda

Strategies to reduce the bias of model reliability in genomic prediction
P. Ma, G. Su and M.S. Lund

Implementation of a genomic selection program for Australian Merino Breed in Uruguay
G. Ciappesoni, F. Macedo, V. Goldberg and E.A. Navajas

Impact of fitting dominance effects on accuracy of genomic prediction in layer chickens
M. Heidaritabar, A. Wolc, J. Arango, P. Settar, J.E. Fulton, N.P. O’sullivan, J.W.M. Bastiaansen, J. Zeng, R. Fernando, D.J. Garrick and J. Dekkers

Genetic parameters for carcass and meat traits using genomic information in Nellore cattle
D. Gordo, R. Espigolan, R. Tonussi, A. Magalhaes, G.A. Fernandes Junior, T. Bresolin, W. Andrade, F. Baldi, R. Carvalheiro, L. Chardulo and L. Albuquerque