Session 23. Non-human-edible by-products: use and added value as feed material

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Date: 1st September 2015; 14:00 – 18:00 hours
Chairperson: S. De Campeneere

Theatre Session 23

Animal feed and human food: competition and synergies
Invited H. Steinfeld and A. Mottet

How much meat should we eat – the environmental benefit of feeding food waste to pigs
H.H.E. Van Zanten, B.G. Meerburg, P. Bikker, H. Mollenhorst and I.J.M. De Boer

Updating and renovating the INRA-AFZ multispecies feed tables
G. Tran, V. Heuze, P. Chapoutot and D. Sauvant

Protein digestion in broiler: what are the specificities induced by the protein source in the diet?
E. Recoules, H. Sabboh-Jourdan, A. Narcy, M. Lessire, G. Harichaux, M. Duclos and S. Rehault-Godbert

Yield and amino acid composition of pulp and protein extracted and recovered from legumes and grass
V.K. Damborg, L. Stodkilde-Jorgensen, S.K. Jensen and A.P.S. Adamsen


Nonstarch polysaccharide composition influences the energy value of grains and co-products
N.W. Jaworski and H.H. Stein

Alternative protein sources for monogastrics: composition and functional assessment
S.K. Kar, A.J.M. Jansman, L. Kruijt, E.H. Stolte, N. Benis, D. Schokker and M.A. Smits

Nutritional value of seaweed for ruminants
M.R. Weisbjerg, M.Y. Roleda and M. Novoa-Garrido

Are byproduct feed systems appropriate for high producing dairy cows?
M. March, M.G.G. Chagunda, J. Flockhart and D.J. Roberts

Testing a moist co-product for dairy cows consuming grass silage based diets
A.S. Chaudhry

Systool Web, a new one-line application for the French INRA
P. Chapoutot, O. Martin, P. Noziere and D. Sauvant

Recovery of cheese whey, a by-product from the dairy industry for use as an animal feed
E. El-Tanboly and M. El-Hofy


Posters Session 23

Prediction of cold-pressed rapeseed cakes chemical composition using NIRS
I. Zubiria, E. Alonso, A. Garcia-Rodriguez and L. Rincon

Insect or legume based protein sources to replace soybean cake in a broiler diet
F. Leiber, T. Gelencser, H. Ayrle, Z. Amsler, A. Stamer, B. Fruh and V. Maurer

Effects of the full fat walnuts waste on the fatty acids composition of the piglet’s tissue
M. Habeanu, D. Voicu, N.A. Lefter, A. Gheorghe, M. Ropota, C. Vlad and E. Ghita

Supplementation of Tenebrio molitor larva on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in pigs
X.H. Jin, N.S. Ok, J.H. Jeong, P.S. Heo, J.S. Hong and Y.Y. Kim

Intake and growth performance of feedlot lambs fed increasing concentrations of babassu meal
E.H.C.B. Van Cleef, O.R. Serra, J.R.S.T. Souza, A.L. Lima and J.M.B. Ezequiel

Inclusion of by-product of Myrtus communis in the diet of Sarda sheep: effects on ruminal metabolism
F. Correddu, G. Battacone, G. Pulina and A. Nudda

Utilization of cellulolytic enzymes to improve the nutritive value of date kernels
A.M. Kholif, E.S.A. Farahat, M.A. Hanafy, S.M. Kholif and R.R. El-Sayed

Optim’Al, an economic optimization tool for ruminant ration calculation for better use of byproducts
P. Chapoutot, G. Tran, P. Gillet, D. Bastien and B. Rouille

Nitrogen degradability of industrial solvent-extracted rapeseed meal for ruminants
P. Chapoutot, B. Rouille, P. Gillet, C. Peyronnet, E. Tormo, A. Quinsac and J. Aufrere

Influence of using alternative sources of feed for fattening cattle on production and meat quality
D. Voicu, M. Hăeanu, I. Voicu, R.A. Uta and M. Ropota

DDGS in the diet of finishing double-muscled Belgian Blue cows
K. Goossens, L.O. Fiems, J. De Boever, B. Ampe and S. De Campeneere

Evaluation of milk production and composition of cows fed hydrolyzed sugarcane
V. Endo, V.A. Vieira, G.C. Magioni, F.C. Gatti, A.N.O. Navarro, B. Maximo, I.M. Estima and M.D.S. Oliveira

Inclusion of cold-pressed rapeseed cake in dairy cow diet and its effect on milk production
I. Zubiria, R. Atxaerandio, R. Ruiz and A. Garcia-Rodriguez

Cold-pressed rapeseed cake inclusion in dairy cow diet and its effects on feeding behavior
I. Zubiria, R. Atxaerandio, R. Ruiz and A. Garcia-Rodriguez

Pasteurized milk sensory characteristics as affected by feeding cows with cold-pressed rapeseed cake
I. Zubiria, R. Atxaerandio, R. Ruiz and A. Garcia-Rodriguez

Effect of AmafermR on dry matter intake and milk production in high-productive dairy cows
K. Mahlkow-Nerge and P.A. Abrahamse

Influence of rapeseed meal on milk production: a study in dairy cow farms of Haute-Marne (France)
C. Teinturier, P. Chapoutot, D. Bouthors, P. Gillet, C. Peyronnet, E. Tormo, A. Quinsac and B. Rouille

Level of glycerol and parameters of in vitro fermentation kinetics of different substrates
M. Bruni, M. Carriquiry and P. Chilibroste