Session 25. Ways of improving udder health and fertility in cattle

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Date: 1st September 2015; 14:00 – 18:00 hours
Chairperson: B. Fuerst-Waltl/M. Klopčič

Theatre Session 25

Genetic selection of dairy cattle for improved immunity
Invited B.A. Mallard

Unravelling the genetic background for endocrine fertility traits in dairy cows
A.M.M. Tenghe, A.C. Bouwman, B. Berglund, E. Strandberg and R.F. Veerkamp

Resumption of luteal activity in first lactation cows is mainly affected by genetic characteristics
N. Bedere, L. Delaby, V. Ducrocq, S. Leurent-Colette and C. Disenhaus

Epigenetic differences in cytokine genes of dairy cows identified with immune response biases
Invited M.A. Paibomesai and B.A. Mallard


Breeding for improved fertility and udder health – requirements
Invited M. Kargo, G.P. Aamand and J. Pedersen

Extension programming to address somatic cell count challenges and opportunities
Invited J.M. Bewley

Detection of haplotypes responsible for prenatal death in cattle
X. Wu, B. Guldbrandtsen, M.S. Lund and G. Sahana

Milk and fertility performance of Holstein, Jersey and Holstein × Jersey cows on Irish farms
E.L. Coffey, B. Horan, R.D. Evans, K.M. Pierce and D.P. Berry

Associations of feed efficiency with reproductive development and semen quality in young bulls
S. Bourgon, M. Diel De Amorim, S. Lam, J. Munro, R. Foster, T. Chenier, S. Miller and Y. Montanholi

Decision support model for dairy cow management
J. Makulska, A.T. Gawełczyk and A. Węglarz


Posters Session 25

Economic importance of health traits in dual-purpose cattle
Z. Krupova, E. Krupa, M. Michaličkova and L. Zavadilova

Effectiveness of teat disinfection formulations containing polymeric biguanide compounds
D. Gleeson and B. O’brien

Bacterial proteoliposomes – new immunological tool for control of mammary pathogens
J. Quiroga, H. Reyes, M. Molina, S. Vidal, L. Santis, L. Saenz and M. Maino

Global DNA methylation in bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells and in milk somatic cells
M. Gasselin, A. Prezelin, M. Boutinaud, P. Debournoux, A. Neveux, M. Fargetton, J.P. Renard, H. Kiefer and H. Jammes

Effect of fetal membrane release induced by oxoETE injection on the postpartum dairy cow performance
H. Kamada and Y. Matsui

Determination of complex vertebral malformation genetic disorder in Holstein cows in Antalya region
M.S. Balcioglu, T. Karsli and E. Sahin