Session 27. Breeding for health, welfare and longevity

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Quantitative genetics of infectious disease: much more heritable variation than we think
Bijma,A.D. Hulst and M.C.M. De Jong

Transcriptomic map of mastitis in dairy cows: clues on S. agalactiae and Prototheca infections
Bisutti,N. Mach, D. Giannuzzi, E. Capra, R. Negrini, P. Ajmone-Marsan, A. Cecchinato and S. Pegolo

Robustness indicators in a divergent selection experiment for birth weight variability in mice
El-OuaziziEl-Kahia, I. Cervantes, J.P. Gutiérrez and N. Formoso-Rafferty

Can resilience and reproduction be improved in paternal lines of rabbits selected for growth rate?
Peixoto-Gonçalves,E. Martínez-Paredes, L. Ródenas, E. Blas, M. Cambra-López and J.J. Pascual

Genetic correlations of direct and indirect social dominance components vs production and fitness
Tuliozi,R. Mantovani, E. Mancin, I. Schoepf and C. Sartori

Repeatability as a criterion for the selection of welfare biomarkers in beef cattle production
Meneses,M.J. Carabaño, C. Gonzalez, A. Hernández-Pumar and C. Diaz

Role of genetics in swine inflammation and necrosis syndrome – SINS
N.G. Leite, E.F. Knol, S. Nuphaus, R. Vogelzang and D. Lourenco

Usefulness of the claw-position score for genetic evaluations to reduce lameness incidence
Köck,L. Lemmens, M. Suntinger, M. Gehringer, G. Berger, F.J. Auer and C. Egger-Danner

Breed-dependent genetic variants altered the immune capacity in dairy and beef cattle bulls
Saeed-Zidane,A. Yousif, I. Blaj and G. Thaller

Breeding strategies for calf health and leukosis: challenges and opportunities
C.F. Baes, R. Bongers, C. Lynch, F.S. Schenkel, K. Houlahan, N. Van Staaveren, H. Oliveira and F. Miglior

Persistence of genomic evaluations with different reference populations in pigs and broilers
Misztal,M.K. Hollifield, J. Hidalgo, S. Tsuruta, M. Bermann and D. Lourenco

Tail biting and its precursors have distinctive gene-expression profiles in protein-restricted pigs
Couteller,L. Roch, E.O. Ewaoluwagbemiga and C. Kasper


Estimation of genetic parameters of days open in the Florida goat breed
Ziadi,E. Muñoz-Mejías, M. Sánchez, M.D. López and A. Molina

Temporal analysis of miRNAs expression revealing the molecular changes related to lameness recovery
Li,P. Zhe, K. Schwartzkopf-Genswein and L. Guan

Effect of weaning at the time of immunophenotyping on cell-mediated immune responses of beef calves
S.C. Beard, D.C. Hodgins, J. Schmied and B.A. Mallard

Effect of mild hypoxia on platelet activities in pregnant ewes with different haematocrit levels
Moneva,I. Yanchev and N. Metodiev

Native sheep breeds of Sicily genetic reservoirs against lentiviruses
Tumino,M. Tolone, P. Galluzzo, S. Migliore, S. Bordonaro, R. Puleio and G.R. Loria

Enzootic bovine leukosis: surveillance measures and control programmes in European countries
Mincu, G. Van Schaik, C.Faverjon, E. Meletis, J.J. Hodnik, M. Guelbenzu-Gonzalo, M. Alishani, A. Gerilovych, Z. Acinger-Rogic, M. Rubin, I. Djadjovski, I. Cvetkovikj and I.G.M.A. Santman-Berends

Heritabilities of clinical mastitis, metritis and ovarian cysts in Polish HF cows
Topolski,W. Jagusiak and B. Szymik