Session 27. Horse production free communications
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Date: 28 August 2013; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: Janssens
Theatre Session 27
08.30 QTL mapping for performances in sport horses
S. Brard and A. Ricard
08.45 Opportunities for joint genetic evaluations of Danish and Swedish sport horses
Å. Viklund, S. Furre, O. Vangen and J. Philipsson
09.00 The inclusion of international showjumping results in the genetic evaluation of Irish Sport Horses
K.M. Quinn-Brady, D. Harty and A. Corbally
09.15 Health status and conformation in young sport horses affect performance and longevity in competition
L. Jönsson, A. Näsholm, L. Roepstorff, A. Egenvall, G. Dalin and J. Philipsson
09.30 Genetic analyses of linear conformation and performance traits in Warmblood horses
K.F. Stock, J. Duensing, W. Schulze-Schleppinghoff and J. Krieter
09.45 Genetic parameters of type traits scored at adult age in Italian Heavy Draught Horse
F. Folla, C. Sartori, G. Pigozzi and R. Mantovani
10.00 Inbreeding status and conservation possibilities of the endangered Faroese Horse
P. Berg, A. Præbel and D. Joensen
10.45 Investigations into genetic variability in Holstein Horse breed using pedigree data
L. Roos, D. Hinrichs, T. Nissen and J. Krieter
11.00 Effect of energy supplementation on grass intake, performances and parasitism in lactating mares
C. Collas, G. Fleurance, W. Martin-Rosset, J. Cabaret, L. Wimel and B. Dumont
11.15 Haematology and plasma metabolites in horses fed linseed oil over a 4 months period
S. Patoux, C. Fabry, O. Dotreppe, G. Haeghens, J.-L. Hornick and L. Istasse
11.30 Innovation in dairy products in France: preliminary results on donkey milk production
M. Peter, H. Tonglet, G. Jard, H. Tormo and D. Ali Haimoud-Lekhal
Poster Session 27
Conformation affects health of sport horses
L. Jönsson, A. Näsholm, L. Roepstorff, A. Egenvall, G. Dalin and J. Philipsson
Genetic parameters for chronic progressive lymphedema in Belgian draught horses
K. De Keyser, S. Janssens, M. Oosterlinck, F. Gasthuys and N. Buys
Preliminary analysis of genetic variability for heart rate in endurance horses
I. Cervantes, M.J. Sánchez, M. Valera, A. Molina and J.P. Gutiérrez
Transformed variables for the genetic evaluation of the competition performance of jumping horses
J. Posta, A. Rudiné Mezei and S. Mihók
Joint genetic evaluation of Nordic sporthorses
S. Furre, A. Viklund, J. Philipsson, B. Heringstad and O. Vangen
Genetic correlations between young horse performance and later results in show-jumping
I. Cervantes, E. Bartolomé, M.J. Sánchez, M.D. Gómez, M. Solé, A. Molina and M. Valera
Genetic and environmental effects on 60-days performance tests for mares
N. Cieklinska, J. Wejer and D. Lewczuk
The genetic analysis of Sztumski and Sokolski mares enrolled in horses conservation programs
G.M. Polak
The analysis of the distribution and origin of the Sztumski and Sokolski horses
G.M. Polak
Empirical percentile growth curves considering compensatory growth for Japanese Thoroughbred horses
T. Onoda, R. Yamamoto, K. Sawamura, H. Murase, Y. Nambo, Y. Inoue, A. Matsui, T. Miyake and N. Hirai
Measuring neck angle of horses under different ceiling heights with an inertial measurement unit
S. Claar and P. Michanek
Some aspects of horse vision
I. Majzlik, J. Ptacek, B. Hofmanova and L. Vostry
Analysis of air quality in riding halls with special emphasis on fungal contamination
A. Blasse, K. Wicha, T. Lühe, R. Preissler and N. Kemper
Milk and blood serum rubidium and strontium concentrations in lactating donkeys
F. Fantuz, S. Ferraro, L. Todini, P. Mariani, R. Piloni, N. Zurlo and E. Salimei
Minerals in blood serum of lactating donkeys: effect of dietary trace element supplementation
F. Fantuz, S. Ferraro, L. Todini, R. Piloni, P. Mariani, C. Amadoro and E. Salimei
The grass height: a horses’grazing management tool
L. Wimel and P. Dupuy
Chemical composition, biomass production and nutritive value of two Portuguese horse farms pastures
A.S. Santos, M.J. Fradinho, R. Fernandes, M.A.M. Rodrigues, R.M. Caldeira and L.M.M. Ferreira
Study on the use of long chain alcohols as diet composition and digestibility markers in equines fed
A.S. Santos, R. Celaya, R.W. Mayes, M.A.M. Rodrigues, K. Osoro and L.M.M. Ferreira
Heart rate of horses undergoing aerobic exercise and supplemented with gamma-oryzanol
A.A.O. Gobesso, I.V.F. Gonzaga, R. Françoso, F.M.P. Taran, T.N. Centini, J.R. Ferreira, F.P. Rodrigues, Y.N. Bortoletto and C.T. Marino
Effect of dietary inclusion of omega-3 in concentration of immunoglobulin on mares colostrum
A.A.O. Gobesso, T.N. Centini, I.V.F. Gonzaga, F.M.P. Taran, R. Françoso, J.R. Ferreira, F.P. Rodrigues and A.C.R.C. Porto
Effect of specialization on genetic parameters in sport horses
G. Rovere, B.J. Ducro, P. Madsen, E. Norberg and J.A.M. Van Arendonk