Session 27. New sources of phenotypes in cattle production – Part 1 (with ICAR)
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Date: 2nd September 2015; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: G. Thaller/C. Egger-Danner
Theatre Session 27
Frequently recorded sensor data may correctly provide health status of cows
P. Lovendahl and L.P. Sorensen
Data from automatic milking systems used in genetic evaluations of temperament and milkability
K.A. Bakke and B. Heringstad
Air leakage in automatic milk flow recording – an indicator trait for temperament?
D. Krogmeier and K.-U. Gotz
Circadian metabolomic profile of blood plasma from heifers in the context of feed efficiency
A. Macdonald, I. Burton, T. Karakach, S. Lam, A. Fontoura, S. Bourgon, S. Miller and Y. Montanholi
Genetic associations between feed intake and conformation traits in two populations
C.I.V. Manzanilla P., R.F. Veerkamp, R.J. Tempelman, K.A. Weigel and Y. De Haas
Direct multitrait selection gives the highest genetic response in a ratio trait
L. Zetouni, A.C. Sorensen, M. Henryon and J. Lassen
Recording of claw disorders in dairy cattle: overview and prospects of international harmonization
K.F. Stock, A.-M. Christen, J. Burgstaller, N. Charfeddine, A. Fiedler, B. Heringstad, J. Kofler, K. Muller, P. Nielsen, E. Oakes, C. Odegard, J.E. Pryce, G. Thomas and C. Egger-Danner
Examinations on the genetics of digital dermatitis based on improved definitions of clinical status
K. Schopke, A. Gomez, K.A. Dunbar, H.H. Swalve and D. Dopfer
Utilizing claw health information in traditional and genomic selection for Norwegian Red
C. Odegard, M. Svendsen and B. Heringstad
Posters Session 27
Estimation of genetic parameters for well-established and new milk yield performance test traits and
D. Hinrichs, T.J. Boysen and G. Thaller
An investigation on determining factors affecting body condition score in first parity Holstein cows
A. Galic and N. Karslioglu Kara
Association of STAT1 gene with milk production traits in Iranian Holstein dairy cattle
M. Hosseinpour Mashhadi and N. Tabasi
Genetic parameters for dry matter intake in primiparous Holstein, Nordic Red and Jersey
B. Li, W.F. Fikse, J. Lassen, M.H. Lidauer, P. Lovendahl and B. Berglund
Relationships among feed efficiency, growth and carcass traits in beef cattle
T.M. Ceacero, M.E.Z. Mercadante, J.N.S.G. Cyrillo, A.L. Guimaraes, R.C. Canesin and S.F.M. Bonilha
A simulation study on selection to lower the fat to protein ratio in the early lactation of Holstein
A. Nishiura, O. Sasaki, M. Aihara, H. Takeda and M. Satoh
Genetic analysis of lactation persistency and conformation traits in Polish Holstein-Friesian cows
A. Otwinowska-Mindur, E. Ptak and W. Jagusiak
Differences in novel traits between genetic groups of dairy cows in pasture-based production systems
K. Brugemann, M. Jaeger, U. Von Borstel and S. Konig
Lactation persistency and environmental factors affecting on this characteristic in dairy cattle
M. Elahi Torshizi
Circadian profile of methane and heat production at different physiological states in beef heifers
Y. Montanholi, B. Smith, K. Colliver, A. Fontoura and S. Miller
Genetic diversity in Swiss cattle breeds
H. Signer-Hasler, B. Gredler, M. Neuditschko, A. Burren, C. Baes, B. Bapst, D. Garrick, C. Stricker and C. Flury