Session 28. Integration of new technologies in livestock farming systems

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Date: 2nd September 2015; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: N. Hostiou

Theatre Session 28

How performance impairs implementation: a review of performance of sensor-based automatic monitoring
K.N. Dominiak

Bayesian prediction of mastitis using sensor data routinely collected in dairy herds
D.B. Jensen and A. Devries

Using acceleration data to detect automatically the beginning of farrowing in sows
I. Traulsen, W. Auer, K. Muller and J. Krieter

Monitoring growth in finishers by weighing selected groups of pigs – a dynamic approach
A.H. Stygar and A.R. Kristensen

Real time measurement of reticular temperature for the prediction of parturition and estrus in cows
J. Gasteiner, J. Wolfthaler, W. Zollitsch, M. Horn and A. Steinwidder

Application of GPS to monitor cattle behaviour and pasture use in European Alpine regions
J. Maxa, S. Thurner, H. Wirl and G. Wendl

Development of a multi-Kinect-monitoring system using complete 3D information of walking cows
J. Salau, J.H. Haas, G. Thaller, M. Leisen and W. Junge


Precision dairy cattle nutrition: statistics of rumen pH in commercial cattle
T.T.F. Mottram

Using a dairy cow model to interpret in vivo individual data and to upscale results at herd level
O. Martin, C. Gaillard, J. Sehested and N.C. Friggens

A tool to assess nitrogen efficiency, autonomy and excretion at dairy herd level: CowNex
P. Faverdin, C. Baratte, R. Perbost, S. Thomas, E. Ramat and J.-L. Peyraud


Posters Session 28

Influence of several factors in the parameters of quality of Manchega sheep milk
L. Jimenez Sobrino

Using technology to study relationships between behaviour, feed efficiency and growth of beef steers
B.N. Marsiglio-Sarout, M. Haskell, A. Waterhouse, C. Umstatter and C.A. Duthie

Assessing beef production chain data quality
F. Maroto Molina, R. Santos Alcudia, J. Gomez Rodriguez and A. Gomez Cabrera

Temperature as a predictor of fouling and diarrhea in slaughter pigs
D.B. Jensen, N. Toft and A.R. Kristensen

Use of specter data for breeding and feeding
T. Adnoy

Lameness detection in gestation kept sows from ear tag- sampled acceleration data
C. Scheel, I. Traulsen, W. Auer, E. Stamer and J. Krieter