Session 28. Sheep and goats production free communications
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Date: 28 August 2013; 08:30 – 10:30 hours
Chairperson: Bodin
Theatre Session 28
08.30 Participatory identification of breeding objective traits of two goat breeds of Ethiopia
S. Abegaz, M. Wurzinger and J. Sölkner
08.45 Genetic diversity and structure in Cameroon native goat populations using microsatellites
F. Meutchieye, P.J. Ngono, A. Djikeng, S. Ommeih, M. Agaba and Y. Yacouba
09.00 Potential benefits of genomic selection on genetic gain of small ruminant breeding programs
F. Shumbusho, J. Raoul, J.M. Astruc, I. Palhiere and J.M. Elsen
09.15 Assessment of technical and economic efficiency of French dairy sheep genomic breeding programs
D. Buisson, J.M. Astruc, G. Baloche, X. Aguerre, P. Boulenc, F. Fidelle, B. Giral, P. Guibert, P. Panis and F. Barillet
09.30 A model for predicting the impacts of gastrointestinal parasitism in dairy ewe: sensitivity analysis
F. Assenza, J.M. Elsen, S.C. Bishop, C. Carré and C. Moreno
09.45 Housing and management risk factors affecting body condition and traits of animal health in ewes
G. Kern, I. Traulsen, N. Kemper and J. Krieter
10.00 Amh secretion kinetic in doe kids
H. Guérin, A. Fatet, K. Boissard, D. Monniaux and L. Briand-Amirat
Poster Session 28
Production performance of Thamary and Tahami sheep breeds and their crossbreds in Yemen
T. Alkhewani, M. Momani Shaker, S.A. Al-Olofi and S. Al-Azazi
Interactions between milk production and reproduction in Sicilo-Sarde dairy sheep
A. Meraï, N. Gengler, H. Hammami, M. Rekik and C. Bastin
Performance recording for German Mutton Merino sheep in Saxony-Anhalt
R. Schafberg, G. Heckenberger, H.J. Rösler and H.H. Swalve
Components of the female response to the ram effect: results of a study in Barbarine breed
S. Maatoug-Ouzini, G. Khaldi, D. François and L. Bodin
Post-weaning growth of lambs grazing natural pastures supplemented with protein concentrates
M.J. Marichal, M.L. Del Pino, H. Deschenaux and L. Piaggio
Quantitative characteristics of carcasses of lambs weaned at different ages
N. Maria Brancacci Lopes Zeola, A. Garcia Da Silva Sobrinho, T. Henrique Borghi, C. Renato Viegas, L. Desidério Sena, V. Teixeira Santana, F. Alves De Almeida, A. Carolina Columbelli and L. Gabriel Alves Cirne
Effects of crossing a local Romanian sheep with German Blackhead rams on growth and carcass traits
E. Ghita, R. Pelmus, C. Lazar, M. Gras and M. Ropota
Post-natal evaluation of local baladi capretto meat
S. Abi Saab, F. Esseily, M. Saliba and P.Y. Aad
Fatty acids profile of intramuscular fat in light and heavy carcass lambs
M. Margetín, D. Apolen, M. Oravcová, O. Debrecéni, D. Peškovicová, O. Bucko and Z. Horecná
Fatty acids profile of extramuscular fat in light and heavy carcass lambs
M. Margetín, J. Margetínová, Z. Krupová, K. Vavrišinová, P. Polák and L. Luptáková
Influence of Wiltshire Horn rams on Romanov ewes fertility and performance of crossbred lambs
R. Nainiene, B. Zapasnikiene, V. Juskiene and A. Siukscius
Nutrient intake for lambs fed ‘in nature’ or hydrolyzed sugarcane under aerobic and anaerobic condit
V. Endo, A. Garcia Da Silva Sobrinho, N. Maria Brancacci Lopes Zeola, N.L. Lins Lima, F. Alves De Almeida and G. Milani Manzi
Performance, ingestive behavior and meat quality of lambs submitted to different feeding frequencies
E.L.A. Ribeiro, C.L. Sousa, F.A.B. Castro, I.Y. Mizubuti, B. Marson, F.A. Grandis, C. Constantino and N.A. Koritiaki
Grape pomace and grape seed extract in lamb diets: meat fatty acid profile and antioxidant activity
C. Guerra-Rivas, P. Lavín, B. Gallardo, A.R. Mantecón, C. Vieira and T. Manso
Effect of olive and fish oil calcium soaps fed to early lactating ewes on milk fatty acid profile
B. Gallardo, P. Gómez-Cortés, A.R. Mantecón, M. Juárez, M.A. De La Fuente and T. Manso
Linseed oil and natural or synthetic vitamin E in ewe diets: milk performance and fatty acid profile
B. Gallardo, M.G. Manca, A.R. Mantecón, A. Nudda and T. Manso
Genetic parameters of growth and faecal egg counts obtained by using pedigree or SNP information
F. Assenza, J.M. Elsen, A. Legarra, C. Carré, G. Sallé, C. Robert-Granié and C. Moreno
Genetic parameters for major fatty acids and proteins in French dairy sheep
H. Larroque, M. Ferrand, G. Miranda, J.M. Astruc, G. Lagriffoul, R. Rupp and M. Brochard
EBVs and sire ranking: the impact of pedigree integrity on selection in South African Angora goats
C. Garritsen, C. Visser and E. Van Marle-Koster
Pedigree analysis in goats: an example of White Shorthaired breed
M. Oravcová, M. Margetín and J. Tomka
Importance of Zackel sheep for conservation of biodiversity at Sjenica-Pester plateau
M. Savic, M. Vegara, S. Vuckovic, S. Prodanovic and B. Dimitrijevic
Milk consumption behavior of Romane lambs under artificial rearing
I. David, F. Bouvier, E. Ricard, J. Ruesche and J.L. Weisbecker
Mathematical modelling of lamb growth rate
J.M. Coyne, P. Creighton and N. McHugh
Milk production and composition of Santa Ines ewes submitted to different levels of energy
E.L.A. Ribeiro, F.A.B. Castro, I.Y. Mizubuti, F. Fernandes Junior, B. Marson, F.A. Grandis, V.A.P. Guimarães and D.K.S. Tagliatella
Development of a management information system for sheep
G. Kern, I. Traulsen and J. Krieter
Effect of feeding linseed or chia seed on fatty acid profile and lipogenic gene expression of lambs
O. Urrutia, A. Arana, J.A. Mendizabal, K. Insausti, B. Soret and A. Purroy