Session 29. Animal welfare research and education in enlarged Europe
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Date: 29 August 2012; 08:30 – 11:30 hours
Chairperson: Spoolder
Theatre Session
Animal welfare in an enlarged europe: state of play and perspectives
Cavitte, J.-C., Tristante, F. and Krommer, J.
AWARE project: background, objectives and expected outcomes
Spinka, M.
The AWARE project: mapping the farm animal welfare research in Europe
Košťál, Ľ., Bilčík, B., Kirchner, M.K. and Winckler, C.
Cell and tissue biology of laminae of the bovine claw in health and disease
La Manna, V., Di Luca, A. and Galbraith, H.
A network of founding bodies to support farm animal health and welfare research in Europe
Boissy, A. and Benmansour, A.
Comparison of two methods for developing a multicriteria evaluation system to assess animal welfare
Martín, P., Buxadé, C. and Krieter, J.
A mobility desk for exchanging researchers on animal welfare within the EU and associated countries
Meunier-Salaün, M.C., Tallet, C., Kostal, L., Mihina, S. and Spinka, M.
Animal welfare education in Europe
Illmann, G., Melišová, M., Keeling, L., Košťál, L. and Špinka, M.
Dutch animal welfare education: collective understanding and individual application
Ruis, M.A.W. and Hopster, H.
Food industry observations toward farm animal welfare standards and legislatives in Macedonia
Ilieski, V. and Radeski, M.
OIE’s work on animal welfare
Leboucq, N.