Session 30. New developments, techniques and research in cattle housing systems

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Date: 2nd September 2015; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: Y. Bewley/P. Galama

Theatre Session 30

Compost bedded pack barns as a lactating cow housing system
Invited J.M. Bewley, R.A. Black, F.A. Damasceno, E.A. Eckelkamp, G.B. Day and J.L. Taraba

Barn design, sustainability and economics of bedded back barns in the Netherlands
Invited P.J. Galama, H.J. Van Dooren, H. De Boer, W. Ouweltjes, G. Kasper and F. Driehuis

Ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from organic beddings in bedded pack dairy barns
H.J.C. Van Dooren, J.M.G. Hol, K. Blanken, H.C. De Boer and P.J. Galama

Compost bedded loose housing dairy barn for sustainable dairy production
Invited J.L. Taraba and J.M. Bewley


Low N loss from a bedded pack barn with active composting of woodchip bedding
H.C. De Boer, H.J.C. Van Dooren and P.J. Galama

Model-based tool to estimate the NH3 emission reduction potential of adapted dairy housing systems
L.B. Mendes, P. Demeyer, E. Brusselman, N.W.M. Ogink and J. Pieters

The compost barn – an innovative housing system for dairy cows
E. Ofner-Schroeck, M. Zaehner, G. Huber, K. Guldimann, T. Guggenberger and J. Gasteiner

Through-flow patterns in naturally ventilated dairy barns – three methods, one complex approach
Invited S. Hempel, L. Wiedemann, D. Janke, C. Ammon, M. Fiedler, C. Saha, C. Loebsin, J. Fischer, W. Berg, R. Brunsch and T. Amon

Comparison of mastitis, its indicators, and lameness in compost bedded pack and sand freestall farms
E.A. Eckelkamp, J.L. Taraba, R.J. Harmon, K.A. Akers and J.M. Bewley

3D-head acceleration used for lameness detection in dairy cows
Y. Link, W. Auer, S. Karsten and J. Krieter


Posters Session 30

Effect of milking behaviour of dairy cows on lifetime production efficiency
W. Neja, A. Sawa, M. Jankowska, M. Bogucki and S. Krężel-Czopek

Cattle welfare analysis in dairy cattle farms based on new legal regulation and veterinary inspection
E.A. Bauer, J. Żychlinska-Buczek and D. Praglowski

SWOT analysis of different housing systems for dairy cows
M. Klopčič