Session 31. Development of novel sheep and goat products for human consumption

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Effect of pork fat replacement by vegetable oleogels in quality of goat meat burgers
Ferreira,L. Vasconcelos, A. Leite, E. Pereira, S. Rodrigues and A. Teixeira

A longitudinal study of the microbiological quality of goat’s raw milk cheese during ripening
Coelho-Fernandes,A.S. Faria, G. Santos-Rodrigues, A. Fernandes, L. Barros, V. Cadavez and U. Gonzales-Barron

Consumer attitudes from different continents towards dairy products from sheep and goat
Vargas-Bello-Pérez,K. Tajonar, G. Foggi, M. Melle, S. Panagiotis, A. Mavrommatis, E. Tsiplakou,

M.R. Habib, M. Gonzalez-Ronquillo and P. Toro-Mujica

Dietary Moringa oleifera affects quality and health promoting traits of lamb meat
Cohen-Zinder,H. Omri, E. Shor-Shimoni, R. Agmon and A. Shabtay

Detailed fatty acid profile of human milk and cow, buffalo, goat, sheep, dromedary, and donkey milks
Amalfitano,M.L. Haddi, H. Benabid, M. Pazzola, G.M. Vacca, A. Lante, F. Tagliapietra, S. Schiavon and G. Bittante

Professionals perception on lamb and kid meat quality characteristics in Greece
Vakondiosand A. Foskolos

YoGArt project: the use of algae as feed additives in ewes diet to promote functional dairy products
Mavrommatis,F. Zisis, P. Kyriakaki, F. Satolias, A. Skourtis and E. Tsiplakou

Impact of loin versus individual muscle weight on the eating quality prediction of several lamb cuts
S.M. Moyes, G.E. Gardner, D.W. Pethick and L. Pannier

Effect of Camelina sativa seeds in ewes milk quality and oxidative status in both organism and milk
Christodoulou,A. Mavrommatis, B. Kotsampasi and E. Tsiplakou

Association of milk composition traits as indicators of feed efficiency in Chios dairy ewes
Vouraki,V. Papanikolopoulou, N. Siachos, V. Fotiadou and G. Arsenos

New bone detection method for lamb carcass DXA scanning improves total composition predictions
S.L. Connaughton, A. Williams and G.E. Gardner

Intramammary administration of lipopolysaccharides at parturition on goat colostrum and milk quality 360
González-Cabrera,N. Castro, M. Salomone-Caballero, A. Torres, S. Álvarez and L.E. Hernández- Castellano


Effects of white button mushroom (Agaricus bisposus) on growth and meat quality of growing lambs
Kis,M. Popovic, L. Pajurin, D. Spoljaric, L. Kozacinski, B. Spoljaric and K. Kljak

Effect of wellness and diet on ovine milk quality
Tognocchi,G. Conte, L. Turini, S. Tinagli, A. Silvi, L. Casarosa, R.E. Amarie, A. Serra and M. Mele

Diet inclusion of ensiled olive cake increases unsaturated lipids in goat milk
Tzamaloukas,M.C. Neofytou, C. Constantinou, S. Symeou, D. Sparaggis and D. Miltiadou

Nutritional composition of less valued primal cuts from lamb genotypes
F.P. Esteves, C. Oliveira, M. Pimpão, J. Santos-Silva, O. Moreira and J.M. Almeida

American, Chinese, and Australian consumers prefer sheepmeat from carcases not selected for leanness
R.A. O’Reilly, G.E. Gardner, D.W. Pethick and L. Pannier

Effects of lamb genotype and primal cuts on burgers’ texture and sensory properties
Franco,M. Pimpão, C. Oliveira, M.R. Marques and J.M. Almeida

Effects of lamb genotype, carcass weight and primal cut on baby soup sensory properties
Pimpão,C. Oliveira, M.R. Marques and J.M. Almeida