Session 31. New systems design and technologies to mitigate emissions
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Date: 29 August 2012; 08:30 – 11:30 hours
Chairperson: De Boer
Theatre Session
Actions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from milk production
Flysjö, A.
Manure management and mitigation of greenhouse gases: opportunities and limitations
De Vries, J.W.
Greenhouse gas emissions from livestock food chains: a global assessment
Gerber, P.J., Macleod, M., Opio, C., Vellinga, T., Falcucci, A., Weiler, V., Tempio, G., Gianni, G. and Dietze, K.
Determining the optimal use of by-products in animal production from an environmental perspective
Mollenhorst, H., Van Zanten, H.H.E., De Vries, J.W., Van Middelaar, C.E., Van Kernebeek, H.R.J. and De Boer, I.J.M.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions of pig production through feed production and diet composition
Meul, M., Ginneberge, C., Fremaut, D., Van Middelaar, C.E., De Boer, I.J.M. and Haesaert, G.
FeedPrint: insight in GHG emissions of the feed production and utilization chain
Vellinga, T.V. and Blonk, H.
Environmental impact of milk production can be reduced using indicator traits and genomic selection
Hansen Axelsson, H., Fikse, F.W., Johansson, K., Sørensen, M.C., Sørensen, A.C., Petersson, K.-J. and Rydhmer, L.
Monitoring strategies to breed environment-friendly cows
De Haas, Y., Crump, R., Dijkstra, J. and Ogink, N.
Poster Session
Harmful gases concentration in broiler chicken halls during extremely low ambient temperature
Mihina, S., Bodo, S., Lendelova, J., Galik, R. and Broucek, J.
The global research alliance livestock research group
Mottram, T.T.
Quantification of dangerous gas emissions from pig fattening
Palkovičová, Z., Brouček, J. and Mihina, Š.