Session 32. Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) in nutrition, genetics, and in physiology
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Date: Wednesday 29 August 2018; 8.30 – 12.30
Chair: R. Kasarda / J. Maselyne / R. Mateescu
Theatre Session 32
Pathways to innovation in precision livestock farming
S. Ingrand, F. Medale and X. Vignon
Computer vision system for heifer height and weight estimation
G. Adin, O. Nir, Y. Parmet, D. Werner and I. Halachmi
Beef Monitor: tracking beef cattle growth and predicting carcass characteristics of live animals
G.A. Miller, J.J. Hyslop, D.W. Ross, D. Barclay, A.R. Edwards, W. Thomson, S. Troy and C.-A. Duthie
Use of hoof digital images in estimation of genetic parameters connected with health
R. Kasarda, M. Vlček, O. Kadlečík and N. Moravčíková
Diagnosis of ovarian activity: a powerful tool to manage beef cows under extensive grazing condition
G. Quintans, J.I. Velazco and C. Lopez Mazz
Role of fat and muscle mass and mobilization of transition dairy cows on milk yield and reproduction
N. Siachos, N. Panousis, G. Oikonomou and G.E. Valergakis
Comparable non-invasive techniques for measuring animal-based enteric methane emission on farm
J. Rey, A. Garcia-Rodríguez, O. González-Recio, R. Atxaerandio, R. Ruiz, J.A. Jiménez and I. Goiri
Prediction equations for manure nitrogen output in beef cattle
A. Angelidis, L. Crompton, T. Misselbrook, T. Yan, C. Reynolds and S. Stergiadis
Relationship between age and body weight at farrowing over 6 parities in Large White × Landrace sow
N. Quiniou
Join dynamics of voluntary feed intake, glycaemia and insulinaemia in ad libitum fed pigs
K. Quemeneur, M. Le Gall, Y. Lechevestrier, L. Montagne and E. Labussiere
Effects of feeding systems and maturity type on gonadal development and semen quality of rams
A.M. Du Preez, E.C. Webb and W.A. Van Niekerk
Debating common PLF challenges in nutrition, genetics, and in physiology
R. Kasarda and J. Maselyne
Poster Session 32
Effects of new generation elements on performance of beef cattle during background phase
M. Cortese, M. Chinello and G. Marchesini
In vitro effects of 12-oxoeicosatetraenoic acid on trophoblast cells derived from bovine blastocyst
H. Kamada
Modelling the feed intake of six commercial South African sheep breeds in a feedlot
T.S. Brand, D.A. Van Der Merwe and L.C. Hoffman
Effect of feeding strategy on endometrial gene expression of dairy cows during early luteal phase
A.L. Astessiano, F. Peñagaricano, J. Laporta, A. Meikle and M. Carriquiry
Effect of parity on metabolic-endocrine response to a grazing event in lactating dairy cows
A.I. Trujillo, J.P. Soutto, A. Casal, M. Carriquiry and P. Chilibroste
Development of maintenance energy requirement for sheep using calorimeter chamber data
Y.G. Zhao, A. Aubry and T. Yan
Association of BCS with backfat and longissimus dorsi muscle thickness in transition Holstein cows
N. Siachos, N. Panousis, G. Oikonomou and G.E. Valergakis
Transcriptomic impact of rumen epithelium induced by butyrate infusion in dairy cattle in dry period
M.J. Ranilla, R.L. Baldwin, R.W. Li, Y. Jia and C.J. Li
Relationship between TMR particle size distribution and digestibility of hay-based diets
M. Simoni, F. Righi, A. Foskolos, P. Formaggioni and A. Quarantelli
Reasons for variations in residual feeding intake in lactating Nellore cows
J.N.S.G. Cyrillo, L.L. Souza, M.F. Zorzetto, N.D.C. Silva, J.A. Negrão and M.E. Mercadante