Session 33. Breeding for performance
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Development of genomic tools for horses and their potential impact on the equine sector
K.F. Stock
Genetic trends for performance and functionality in specialized breeding programs of riding horses
K.F. Stock, A. Hahn, I. Workel and W. Schulze-Schleppinghoff
Specialized breeding in Swedish Warmblood horses
Bonow,S. Eriksson, E. Thorén Hellsten and Å. Gelinder Viklund
Factor analysis of young horse test traits in Swedish Warmbloods
Nazari-Ghadikolaei,W.F. Fikse, Å. Gelinder Viklund and S. Eriksson
Adjusted fence height as a phenotype to assess jumping ability in Belgian Warmblood horses
Chapard,R. Meyermans, N. Buys and S. Janssens
Re-ranking of Coldblooded trotter stallions based on performance at different race lengths
Berglund,S. Andonov, T. Lundqvist, C. Olsson, E. Strandberg and S. Eriksson
Genetic analysis of temperament traits important for performance in Standardbred trotters
Berglund,M. Wilbe, G. Lindgren, M. Solé and S. Eriksson
Genetic and environmental parameters for gaits linear profiling in the Lusitano horse
Mateus,A. Vicente and N. Carolino
Do we have breeding for performance and distinctiveness in traditional horse local breeds?
Ablondi, V. Asti, S.Capomaccio, C. Sartori, E. Mancin, A. Giontella, K. Cappelli, R. Mantovani, M. Silvestrelli and A. Sabbioni
Show attendance is heritable in Belgian Draft Horses: possible implications for breeding against CPL
Meyermans,W. Gorssen, E. Reynaert, L. Chapard, N. Buys and S. Janssens
Conformational hock defects in Pura Raza Española horses: risk factors, prevalence, genetic analysis
Ripollés,D.I. Perdomo-González and M. Valera
Analysis of genomic copy number variation in Pura Raza Español horses
Laseca,S. Demyda-Peyrás, M. Valera and A. Molina
Quantitative analysis of imprinting effect of reproductive traits in Pura Raza Española mares
D.I. Perdomo-González, A. Molina, M. Valera and L. Varona
Novel genomic regions of importance for quality of the gait tölt in Icelandic horses
Sigurdardottir,S. Eriksson, M. Rhodin, T. Kristjansson, E. Albertsdottir and G. Lindgren
Genetic and population analysis of limb´s socks in Pura Raza Española horses
Ripollés,D.I. Perdomo-González, A. Encina and M. Valera
Genomic diversity and structure of three autochthonous horse populations
Tumino,A. Criscione, S. Mastrangelo, E. D’alessandro, G. Chessari, R. Di Gerlando, A. Zumbo, D. Marletta and S. Bordonaro
Runs of homozygosity in Estonian horse breeds
Sild,S. Värv, T. Kaart and H. Viinalass
Development of inbreeding and relation between inbreeding & performance in a German heavy warmblood
KönigVon Borstel, A.-M. Beckers and P. Allhoff
Genetic parameters of morphofunctional traits in Purebred Menorca Horses based on their coat colour
D.I. Perdomo-González, M.D. Gómez, E. Bartolomé, R. García De Paredes and M. Valera
Inbreeding depression on mare reproductive traits in the Arab horse in Spain
Álvarez-García,J.P. Gutiérrez and I. Cervantes