Session 36. Breeding and management aspects of diseases and welfare related traits (with ICAR) – part 1

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Date: 31 August 2016; 8:30- 14:00 hours
Chairperson: B. Fürst-Waltl / M. Burke


Theatre Session 36

Hoof health and housing conditions: a never ending story?!
invited A. Fiedler, C. Kroeger and K. Schindhelm

ICAR Claw Health Atla: one year of implementation
invited N. Charfeddine, G. Thomas, A. Fiedler, K.E. Müller, K.F. Stock, A. Steiner, A.M. Christen, V. Daniels, P. Nielsen, D. Döpfer, B. Heringstad, C. Egger-Danner, J. Pryce and J. Kofler

The impact of claw health and lameness on fertility in Austrian dairy herds
J. Burgstaller, S. Guggenbichler, B. Fuerst-Waltl, F. Steininger, J. Kofler and C. Egger-Danner

Linear type traits show pronounced phenotypic relationships to foot and claw health
B. Fuerst-Waltl, C. Fuerst and C. Egger-Danner

Genetic parameters for hoof disorders in dairy cattle
S.C. Ring, A.J. Twomey, N. Byrne, E. O’Brien, R.G. Sayers, A. Geoghegan, M.L. Doherty and D.P. Berry

Breeding for healthier livestock
invited C. Maltecca, J. Howard and F. Tiezzi

Use of somatic cell count patterns for selection against mastitis
J.J. Vosman, G. De Jong and H. Eding

Selection for disease resistance in Canadian dairy cattle
F. Malchiodi, A. Koeck, J. Jamrozik, A.M. Christen, D. Kelton, F.S. Schenkel and F. Miglior

Postpartum diseases, health and fertility traits in Norwegian Red crosses and Holstein in Israel
E. Rinell and B. Heringstad


Posters Session

Genetic variation of seasonal tick counts in South African Nguni cattle
N.O. Mapholi, A. Maiwashe, C.B. Banga, O. Matika, V. Riggio, M.D. Macneil and K. Dzama

Preliminary results from a largescale lameness study in Irish dairy herds
N. Byrne, S. Ring, A. Twomey, E. O’Brien, D. Berry and R. Sayers

Inter and intra-observer reliability of different methods for recording temperament in cattle
A. Vogt, I. Schlechter, E.L. Aditia, S. Schütze, K. Hille, M. Gauly and U. König Von Borstel

Genetic relationship between clinical mastitis, somatic cell score and milk in Czech Holstein
L. Zavadilová, J. Bauer, L. Krpálková, Z. Krupová, M. Michaličková and M. Štípková

Comparative study on fitness related traits in Fleckvieh and Brown Swiss cattle breeds
R. Neamt, L.T. Cziszter, F. Neciu, D. Gavojdian and D.E. Ilie

Relationship between dairy herd performance and exposure to bovine herpesvirus-1
R.G. Sayers

A survey of miscarriage causes in dairy herds in Poland
E. Bauer, J. Żychlińska-Buczek and K. Merda

An All-Ireland study of sero-prevalence for reproductively important diseases on beef cow herds
M.H. Parr, F. Randi, D. Barrett, M.G. Diskin and D. Kenny

Genetic relationship between type traits and number of lactations in Czech Fleckvieh cows
L. Novotný, L. Zavadilová and J. Bauer

The influence of pricing systems on the economic value of traits in dual-purpose cattle
M. Michaličková, Z. Krupová, E. Krupa, L. Zavadilová and J. Bujko