Session 36. Free communications in cattle production
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Date: 31 August 2011; 14:00 – 18:00 hours
Chairperson: Lazzaroni
Theatre Session 36
- Screening for early pregnant cows in compact calving systems
Cutullic, E., Delaby, L., Gallard, Y. and Disenhaus, C. - Genetic evaluations for birth weight: comparison of continuous and discrete definitions of birth weight under varying accuracies of recording
Waurich, B., Wensch-Dorendorf, M., Cole, J.B. and Swalve, H.H. - Genetic parameters for somatic cell score in early lactation
Schafberg, R., Rosner, F. and Swalve, H.H. - Across breed and country validation of mid-infrared calibration equations to predict milk fat composition
Maurice – Van Eijndhoven, M.H.T., Soyeurt, H., Dehareng, F. and Calus, M.P.L. - Mid-infrared predictions of cheese yield from bovine milk
Vanlierde, A., Soyeurt, H., Anceau, C., Dehareng, F., Dardenne, P., Gengler, N., Sindic, M. and Colinet, F.G. - Nutritional flexibility of Charolais cows
De La Torre, A., Blanc, F., Egal, D. and Agabriel, J. - Influence of post partum nutritional level on estrus behavior in primiparous Charolais cows
Recoules, E., De La Torre, A., Agabriel, J., Egal, D. and Blanc, F. - Milk and concentrate intakes in Salers calves modify body composition at weaning and feeding efficiency in young bulls’ production
Garcia-Launay, F., Sepchat, B., Cirié, C., Egal, D. and Agabriel, J. - Differentiation of carcasses of cattle fed mainly forages or concentrates on the basis of conformation, fattening and colour variables
Alvarez, R., Chessa, M., Margarit, C., Nudda, A., Cannas, A. and Alcalde, M.J. - Genetic parameters for pathogen specific clinical mastitis in Norwegian Red cows
Haugaard, K., Heringstad, B. and Whist, A.C.
Poster Session 36
- Replacing soybean meal with protein of European origin in dairy cow feed
Froidmont, E., Focant, M., Decruyenaere, V., Turlot, A. and Vanvolsem, T. - Supplementing live yeast to Jersey cows grazing kikuyu/ryegrass pastures
Erasmus, L.J., Coetzee, C., Meeske, R. and Chevaux, E. - Effect of dietary starch source and alfalfa hay particle size on chewing time and ruminal pH in mid-lactation Holstein dairy cows
Nasrollahi, S.M., Khorvash, M. and Ghorbani, G.R. - Immediate and residual effects on milk yield and composition of decreasing levels of udder emptying during milking in dairy cows
Guinard-Flament, J., Albaaj, A., Hurtaud, C., Lemosquet, S. and Marnet, P.G. - Effects of feeding whole or physically broken flaxseed on milk fatty acid profiles of Holstein lactating dairy cows
Danesh Mesgaran, M., Jafari Jafarpoor, R., Danesh Mesgaran, S., Ghohari, S. and Ghaemi, M.R. - Animal wise prediction of milk, protein and fat yield using solutions from the Nordic test day model
Pitkänen, T., Mäntysaari, E.A., Rinne, M. and Lidauer, M. - Using self-feeders for all-concentrate diets offered to weaned beef calves
Simeone, A., Beretta, V., Elizalde, J., Cortazzo, D., Viera, G. and Ferrés, A. - Optimum proportion of corn cob silage in total mixed rations for intensively-fed rosé veal calves
Vestergaard, M., Mikkelsen, A. and Jørgensen, K.F. - Effects of turn-out date and post-grazing sward height on dairy cross steer performance at pasture
O’ Riordan, E.G., Keane, M.G. and Mc Gee, M. - Effect of sex and frame size on carcass composition of Nellore cattle
Silva, S.L., Gomes, R.C., Leme, T.M.C., Bonin, M.N., Rosa, A.F., Souza, J.L.F., Zoppa, L.M. and Leme, P.R. - Effect of roughage level and particle size on the performance of cattle fed high grain feedlot diets
Beretta, V., Simeone, A., Elizalde, J., Cortazzo, D. and Viera, G. - Relationship between grading scores and image analysis traits for marbling in Angus, Hereford and Japanese Black x Angus in Australia
Maeda, S., Polkinghorne, R., Kato, K. and Kuchida, K. - Effects of slaughter age on the degree of marbling and fatty acid composition of marbling in Holstein steers
Ogata, M. and Kuchida, K. - Milk production and N excretion of dairy cows fed on different forage types
Migliorati, L., Boselli, L., Masoero, F., Abeni, F., Giordano, D., Cerciello, M. and Pirlo, G. - Assessing enteric methane emissions from ruminants using a calibrated tracer: effects of non-linear sulphur hexafluoride release and permeation tube rumen residence time
Deighton, M.H., Boland, T.M., O’loughlin, B.M., Moate, P.J. and Buckley, F. - Influence of yeasts supplementation on microbiome composition in liquid fraction of rumen content of lactating cows
Sandri, M., Manfrin, C., Gaspardo, B., Pallavicini, A. and Stefanon, B. - Rumen wall morphology in low- and high-RFI beef cattle
Leme, P.R., Oliveira, L.S., Mazon, M.R., Souza, J.L.F., Silva Neto, P.Z., Sarti, L.M.N., Barducci, R.S., Martins, C.L., Gomes, R.C. and Silva, S.L. - Effects of astaxanthin on cultured bovine luteal cells
Kamada, H., Hayashi, M., Akagi, S. and Watanabe, S. - Bovine oocyte viability under modified maturation conditions and vitrification
Nainiene, R. and Siukscius, A. - Use of dinoprost tromethamine (PGF α) at two different times in lactating Nellore cows synchronized with a CIDR-based protocol with FTAI
Biehl, M.V., Pires, A.V., Susin, I., Nepomuceno, D.D., Lima, L.G., Cruppe, L.H., Da Rocha, F.M. and Day, M.L. - No adverse effects of vaccination against BTV-8 in Swedish dairy herds
Emanuelson, U. and Gustafsson, H.