Session 37. Climate care dairy farming
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Nutrient circularity: the role of dairy systems and a solution for GHG and NH3 mitigation
Edouard,K. Klumpp, X. Vergé and J.-L. Peyraud
Environmental footprint of Holstein and crossbred cows using an individual LCA-derived method
Piazza,M. Berton, S. Schiavon, G. Bittante and L. Gallo
Emissions and manure quality in future cow barn
P.J. Galama, H.J. Van Dooren and H. De Boer
Comparing outcomes of three GHG emission calculation tools applied on dairy production systems
DeVries, M.H.A. De Haan, P.R. Hargreaves, X. Vergé, G. Kadžienė, A. Cieślak, P. Galama and T.V. Vellinga
Fermented rapeseed cake in dairy cows’ nutrition mitigates methane emission and production
A.C. Cieslak, G.M. Gao, H.H. Huang, G.M. Gogulski, R.D. Ruska, N.B. Nowak, S.Z.A. Szejner, P.J. Puchalska, S.J. Światłowski and S.Z.S.M. Szumacher-Strabel
Association of microorganisms in rumen with methane emission intensity of cows in the Netherlands
Schokker,S. Roques, L. De Koning, M.N. Aldridge, A. Bossers, Y. De Haas, L.B. Sebek and S.K. Kar
Danish commercial farm reduces enteric methane by 35% with 3-NOP
N.I. Nielsen, M.Ø. Kristensen and C. Ohlsson
Assessment of cattle manure acidification effects on ammonia and GHG emissions and crop yield
Juskiene,R. Juska, A. Siukscius and R. Juodka
Developing an in-flight network for gas and particulate emissions assessment in cattle dairy farms
Becciolini,L. Conti, G. Rossi, M. Merlini, D. Bedin Marin, G. Coletti, U. Rossi and M. Barbari
Air filtering as alternative approach to combat emissions from cattle facilities
Kuipers,P. Galama and R. Maasdam
Emissions, grassland and biodiversity and role of carbon footprint tool
P.R. Hargreaves, R.M. Rees and J. Bell