Session 37. Ethical aspects of breeding

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Date: 28 August 2013; 14:00 – 15:30 hours
Chairperson: Gandini

Theatre Session 37

14.00 Is genomic selection compatible with organic values?
K.K. Jensen

14.15 Ethical aspects of two alternatives to the killing of male chicks
M.R.N. Bruijnis, H.G.J. Gremmen, V. Blok and E.N. Stassen

14.30 Killing new born animals for efficiency reasons; genetic selection as a cause for a dilemma
F. Leenstra, V. Maurer, M. Bruijnis and H. Woelders

14.45 Breeding on polled genetics in Holsteins: chances and limitations
H. Täubert, D. Segelke, F. Reinhardt and G. Thaller

15.00 Animal breeding and ethical values
M. Marie and G. Gandini


Poster Session 37

Ethical aspects of breeding: may be limited to genetics alone?
G. Bertoni, N. Soriani, A. Chatel, G. Turille and L. Calamari