Session 39. Longevity: a physiological and management perspective

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Date: 31 August 2016; 8:30- 12:00 hours
Chairperson: R.M. Bruckmaier / M. Vestergaard


Theatre Session 39

Potential new indicators predicting longer productive lives in dairy cows
invited K. Huber

Extended lactation in dairy cows
invited J. Sehested, C. Gaillard, T. Kristensen, J.O. Lehmann, L. Mogensen, G.M. Maciel and M. Vestergaard

Production, health and welfare characteristics of cows selected for extended lactation
J.O. Lehmann, L. Mogensen and T. Kristensen

Customising dry period length: consequences for energy balance and yield over multiple lactations
invited A.T.M. Van Knegsel, A. Kok, R. Van Hoeij, J. Chen, N. Mayasari and B. Kemp

Dry period plane of energy: effects on glucose tolerance in peripartum dairy cows
S. Mann, F. Leal Yepes, T. Overton, J. Wakshlag, B. Cummings and D. Nydam


The effects of offering concentrates during the dry period on dairy cow performance
R.A. Law, M. Romero Oiartzun, A. Brown, A. Gordon, A.F. Carson and C.P. Ferris

A novel method to prevent hypocalcemia: Can we improve cow health and longevity in the herd?
invited L.L. Hernandez

How longevity drives greenhouse gas emissions of milk produced by dairy cows in two feeding regimes
F. Grandl, S. Peter, M. Kreuzer and M. Zehetmeier

Once recorded metabolic adaptation does not allow to predict longevity in dairy cows
invited J.J. Gross, L. Grossen-Rösti, F. Schmitz-Hsu and R.M. Bruckmaier

Poster presentations: longevity: a physiological and management perspective
R.M. Bruckmaier and M. Vestergaard

Impact of litter size in first parity on sow lifetime performance and health
E. Andersson, J. Frössling, B. Algers, L. Engblom and S. Gunnarsson


Posters Session 

Polish Simmentals: early predictors of longevity
M. Morek-Kopec, W. Jagusiak and A. Zarnecki

Genetic relationships between age at first calving, its underlying traits and survival of Holsteins
J. Heise, K.F. Stock, F. Reinhardt and H. Simianer

Simulations to define the optimum lifetime management for Holstein cows
C. Gaillard, H.N. Phuong, P. Blavy and J. Sehested

Genetic correlations between energy balance and lactation persistency of Holsteins in Japan
A. Nishiura, O. Sasaki, M. Aihara and H. Takeda

Voluntarily delayed rebreeding and double insemination effects on pregnancy rates of Holstein cows
C. Gaillard, M. Vestergaard and J. Sehested

Herd dynamics and economics of different strategies for managing a herd for extended lactation
J.O. Lehmann, L. Mogensen, S. Østergaard, J.F. Ettema and T. Kristensen

Influence of the first lactation on the productive life of Holstein cows
M. Grayaa, H. Hammami, C. Hanzen, B. Rekik, A. Gillon and N. Gengler

Lost in transition: a reaction norm model to breed cows that can better cope with metabolic stress
H. Simianer, N.T. Ha, J.J. Gross, U. Schnyder, F. Schmitz-Hsu and R.M. Bruckmaier

Good legs means good stayability of the sows
T.H. Le, E. Norberg, B. Nielsen, P. Madsen, K. Nilsson and N. Lundeheim