Session 40. The role of feed evaluation systems in feeding our livestock tomorrow
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Date: 31 August 2016; 8:30- 10:00 hours
Chairperson: J. Van Milgen
Theatre Session 40
Novel NIR predictions of the nutritive value of cereal and protein meals across animal species
S. Parker-Norman and H. Graham
INRA Feed Unit System for Ruminants: a new ‘Red Book’
P. Nozière, J.L. Peyraud and D. Sauvant
Comparative prediction of digestive interactions dairy cows
D. Sauvant, J.B. Daniel and P. Nozière
Evaluation of structural effectiveness of diets for dairy cows: an on farm comparison of systems
A. Behrendt, D. Albers, A.R. Sharifi and J. Hummel
Conceptual model of digestion for pigs and poultry and its factors of variation
S. Roger, A. Narcy, J. Van Milgen, M.J. Duclos and E. Recoules