Session 43. Efficiency and optimization in ruminant husbandry

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Date: 30 August 2012; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: Kuipers and Mihina

Theatre Session 

Developments in dairy worldwide, from a dairy farmers perspective
Beldman, A.C.G., Daatselaar, C.H.G. and Prins, B.

The study of the functioning of the meat market for EU consumers
Gbur, P.

Dairy chain relation development in Slovakia
Stefanikova, M.

Optimisation of economics in dairy cattle and sheep farms in Slovakia
Krupová, Z., Huba, J., Michaličková, M., Krupa, E. and Peškovičová, D.

Grazing livestock in Baltic countries and development paths of dairy farmers in Lithuania
Stalgiene, A., Preisegolaviciute-Mozuraitiene, D. and Jankauskas, I.

Livestock production in West Balkan countries and development paths of dairy farmers in Slovenia
Klopcic, M., De Lauwere, C. and Kuipers, A.

Dairy sector developments and farm strategies in Poland
Malak-Rawlikowska, A. and Żekało, M.

Strategies, innovation and entrepreneurship of dairy farmers in Eastern Europe
De Lauwere, C., Beldman, A., Lakner, D. and Kuipers, A.

Production cost, an indicator for the profitability of beef cattle operations
Sarzeaud, P.

The reindeer herders are interested in selective breeding
Muuttoranta, K. and Mäki-Tanila, A.

Survey of genetic selection on pasture-based dairy farms in the USA and Romania
Schutz, M.M., Maciuc, V., Gay, K.D. and Nennich, T.D.

Cost efficiency of dairy sheep organic systems in Spain applying a translog cost function
Angón, E., Toro-Mújica, P., Perea, J., García, A., Acero, R. and De Pablos, C.


Poster Session 

Development of costs efficiency in dairy cattle in Slovakia
Michaličková, M., Krupová, Z., Huba, J. and Polák, P.

Effect of diets differing in rumen soluble nitrogen on poor quality roughage utilization by sheep
Van Niekerk, W.A.

Self-sufficiency is key to explain economic sustainability of sheep farming in marginal areas
Ripoll-Bosch, R., Joy, M. and Bernués, A.