Session 44. Physiology metabolism and digestion

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Date: 28 August 2014; 08:30 – 11:00 hours
Chairperson: N. Silanikove

Theatre Session 44

08.30 Fatty acids contents in NEFA, in triglycerides and in the red blood cells in horses offered linseed oil
S. Patoux, Y. Mehdi and L. Istasse

08.45 Effect of dietary omega-3 fatty acids on insulin and ovarian dynamics in transition dairy cows
A. Towhidi, S. Cas-Aghaee, M. Ganjkhanlou, H. Kohram and H. Javaheri Barforoushi

09.00 Effects of a mycotoxins-binder on plasma biochemistry in early lactating dairy cattle
F. Abeni, F. Petrera, A. Dal Prà, A. Gubbiotti, G. Brusa and M. Capelletti

09.15 Comparative multi-tissue gene expression profiles related to milk performance in cattle
N. Melzer, J. Friedrich, G. Nürnberg, D. Repsilber, M. Schwerin and B. Brand

09.30 Absorption and intermediary metabolism of purines and pyrimidines in lactating dairy cows
C. Stentoft, S.K. Jensen, M. Vestergaard and M. Larsen

09.45 Straw particle size in calf starters: effects on rumen fermentation and rumen development
F.X. Suarez-Mena, A.J. Heinrichs, C.M. Jones, T.M. Hill and J.D. Quigley

10.00 Rearing protocol during postnatal life affects the histology of pancreatic ß-cells in male calves
L. Prokop, R. Lucius, H.-J. Kunz, M. Kaske and S. Wiedemann


Poster Session 44

Monochromatic red light stimulation in broiler breeders
A. Rosenstrauch and I. Rozenboim

Effects of Aloe vera and wild marjoram oregano on broilers blood factors and carcass quailty
B. Shokrollahi, N. Faraji, M. Amiri Andi and F. Kheirollahi

Relation between hormone secretion and partial moulting in domestic goose
R. Mueller, A. Weissmann, H. Pingel, A. Einspanier, J. Gottschalk and M. Waehner

Comparison of growth, carcass traits and blood composition between two populations of rabbits
N. Benali, H. Ainbaziz, Y. Dahmani, D. Saidj and S. Temim

Effect of colostrum heating on immunoglobulins’ absorption and performance and health of calves
F. Moslemipur, F. Vakili Saleh, Y. Mostafaloo and R. Ghorbani

Evolution of some biochemical parameters of the energy status during the peri-partum period in dairy cows
M. Laouadi, T. Madani, S. Sadi and S. Tennah

Blood parameters of dairy cows supplemented with canola oil
K.C. Welter, B.R.T. Reis, G.F. Gambagorte, M. Maturana Filho, T. Santin and A. Saran Netto

Effect of essential oils inclusion in the horse’s diet on the digestibility of nutrients
A.A.O. Gobesso, M.A. Palagi, R. Françoso, I.V.F. Gonzaga and T.N. Centini

Effects of perinatal dietary lipid supplementation on fatty acids status of dairy goats and kids
M. Ferroni, D. Cattaneo, A. Agazzi, G. Invernizzi, F. Bellagamba, F. Caprino, V.M. Moretti and G. Savoini

Prolactin and progesterone concentrations around farrowing influence sow colostrum yield
F. Loisel, C. Farmer, H. Van Hees and H. Quesnel