Session 45. Genomics and horse production: from science to practice

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Date: 30 August 2012; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: Mickelson and Von Velsen-Zerweck

Theatre Session 

Genomic signatures of selection in the horse
Mickelson, J.R., Petersen, J.L., Mccue, M.E. and Valberg, S.J.

A mutation in a novel transcription factor affects the pattern of locomotion in horses
Andersson, L.S., Schwochow, D., Rubin, C., Arnason, T., Petersen, J.L., Mccue, M.E., Mickelson, J.R., Cothran, G., Mikko, S., Lindgren, G. and Andersson, L.

Genome-wide association mapping and genomic breeding values for warmblood horses
Distl, O., Metzger, J., Schrimpf, R., Philipp, U. and Hilla, D.

First results on genomic selection in French show-jumping horses
Ricard, A., Danvy, S. and Legarra, A.

The myostatin sequence variant g.66493737T>C detects evolution and domestication in horses
Dierks, C., Mömke, S., Philipp, U., Lopes, M.S. and Distl, O.

Informative genomic regions for insect bite hypersensitivity in Shetland ponies in the Netherlands
Schurink, A., Ducro, B.J., Bastiaansen, J.W.M., Frankena, K. and Van Arendonk, J.A.M.

Alternative splicing of the elastin gene in horses affected with chronic progressive lymphedema
De Keyser, K., Schroyen, M., Oosterlinck, M., Raes, E., Stinckens, A., Janssens, S. and Buys, N.

Genetic variation in horse breeds derived from whole genome SNP data
Mickelson, J.R., Petersen, J.L. and Mccue, M.E.

Genomic research in horses: the view of practitioners
Von Velsen-Zerweck, A. and Burger, D.


Poster Session 

Genomic selection in the Swiss Franches-Montagnes horse breed
Signer-Hasler, H., Flury, C., Haase, B., Burger, D., Stricker, C., Simianer, H., Leeb, T. and Rieder, S.