Session 46. Health in small dairy ruminants (lactation and milking of small ruminants symposium)

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Date: 30 August 2012; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: Marnet

Theatre Session 

Sub-clinical mastitis in small ruminants: prevalence, comparative aspects and prevention
Leitner, G. and Silanikove, N.

Through the colostrogenesis knowledge to the small ruminant neonate health
Castro, N.

Influence of a mixture of conjugated linoleic acid on dairy performance, and milk fatty acid composi
Ghazal, S.

Milk ejection occurrence before teat cup attachment on milkability of ewes
Tančin, V., Antonič, J., Mačuhová, L., Uhrinčať, M. and Jackuliaková, L.

Formic acid inactivation of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus in colostrum
Morales-Delanuez, A., Trujillo, J., Plummer, P., Hemnani, K., Hernández-Castellano, L.E., Castro, N., Nara, P. and Argüello, A.

Sodium dodecyl sulfate to inactivation caprine arthritis encephalitis virus in DMEM
Morales-Delanuez, A., Argüello, A., Hartmann, S., Martell-Jaizme, D., Castro, N., Nara, P. and Trujillo, J.


Poster Session 

Genetic parameters of chosen udder morphology and milkability traits and somatic cell score
Margetín, M., Apolen, D., Milerski, M., Debrecéni, O., Bučko, O., Tančin, V. and Margetínová, J.

Milkability and the udder morphology traits in Tsigai, Improved Valachian, and Lacaune ewes
Mačuhová, L., Uhrinčať, M., Mačuhová, J. and Tančin, V.

The goat mammary gland parenchyma: breed and milking frequency influence
Suárez-Trujillo, A., Hernández-Castellano, L.E., Capote, J., Argüello, A., Arencibia, A., Castro, N., Morales, J. and Rivero, M.A.