Session 49. Beef and dairy products, quality, human health, substitutes, debate (with ADSA)

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Date: 31 August 2016; 14:00- 16:00 hours
Chairperson: A. Kuipers / J.F. Hocquette


Theatre Session 49

Relating beef production at farm level to human health, and the state of art of meat substitutes
invited J.F. Hocquette, D. Gruffat and D. Durand

Milk, milk fat and human health: can we alter milk composition on farm, do we want/need to alter it?
invited A.L. Lock and D.E. Bauman

Nutrition & health claims for beef, lamb and pork
invited M. Strong

Dairy and meat product consumption and cancer risk
invited E. Kampma

Opening statements by:
– Prof. Herman Barkema, Professor Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and
Cumming School of Medicine, University of Alberta, Canada,
– Dr. Jean-Louis Peyraud, Directeur de Recherche of INRA, France, and president of the European Animal Task Force
– Prof. Partrick Wall, University College Dublin, School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Science,
hosting the National Nutrition Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland