Session 57. EU project GPLUSE: Technical, economic, societal and environmental issues associated with highly productive dairy cows

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Date: 2nd September 2015; 08:30 – 12:30 hours
Chairperson: M. Crowe

Theatre Session 57

Herd health challenges in high yielding dairy cow systems
Invited R.F. Smith

Phenotypic interrelationships between parameters predominately in milk – the GplusE project
Invited J.K. Hoglund, M.T. Sorensen and K.L. Ingvartsen

On the use of novel milk phenotypes as predictors of difficult-to-record traits in breeding programs
Invited C. Bastin, F. Colinet, F. Dehareng, C. Grelet, H. Hammami, H. Soyeurt, A. Vanlierde, M.L. Vanrobays and N. Gengler