Session 66. Digitalisation, Data integration, Detection and Decision support in PLF applications – collaboration with D4Dairy
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D4Dairy – from data integration to decision support – lessons learned
Egger-Danner,K. Linke, B. Fuerst-Waltl, P. Klimek, O. Saukh, T. Wittek and D4dairy-Consortium
Data integration in D4Dairy and new opportunities under the Data-Governance-Act and the Data Act
Auxiliary traits for mastitis in Fleckvieh dairy cows from sensor based measurements
Schodl,B. Fuerst-Waltl, H. Schwarzenbacher, F. Steininger, C. Obmann, D4dairy-Consortium and C. Egger-Danner
An integrative data-methodological approach to disease prevention in dairy cattle
Matzhold,E. Dervic, J. Lasser, C. Egger-Danner, F. Steininger and P. Klimek
Development of a decision support tool for targeted dry-off treatment of dairy-cows
Obritzhauser,C.L. Firth, K. Fuchs and C. Egger-Danner
Exploring severity of clinical mastitis in four dimensions
Song,M. Gote, L. D’anver, D. Meuwissen, I. Van Den Brulle, S. Piepers, S. De Vliegher, I. Adriaens and Aernouts
Genetic parameters for mid-infrared-spectroscopy predicted mastitis and related phenotypes
Rienesl,B. Fuerst-Waltl, A. Koeck, C. Egger-Danner, N. Gengler, C. Grelet and J. Soelkner
Ketosis and its auxiliary traits
Fuerst-Waltl,H. Schwarzenbacher, K. Schodl, A. Koeck, M. Suntinger, F. Steininger and C. Egger- Danner
On the image phenotyping for identification and development of dairy calves and heifers
C.D. Wallace, M.E. Wirch, R.R. Vicentini, U. Chauhan, R.V. Ventura and Y.R. Montanholi
Concentrate use efficiency in dairy cows: an investigation based on on-farm data
S.-J. Burn, B. Fuerst-Waltl, F. Steininger and W. Zollitsch
Milk progesterone sample rate and reactivity of farmers impacts reliability of insemination window
Meuwissen,K. Brosens, B. Aernouts and I. Adriaens
Development of a monitoring tool for metabolic imbalance issues based on milk recording data
Franceschini,C. Grelet, J. Leblois, N. Gengler and H. Soyeurt
Use of automatic milking systems data for early mastitis detection in Italian Holstein dairy cows
Moretti,E. Ponzo, M. Beretta, S. Chessa and P. Sacchi
Compatibility of smart ear tags with twin pin fixing system in cows
GobboOliveira Erünlü, J. Bérard and O. Wellnitz
Predicting pregnancy status of dairy cows with mid-infrared spectra: a tricky and limited approach
Rienesl,P. Pfeiffer, A. Koeck, C. Egger-Danner, N. Gengler, C. Grelet, L. Dale, A. Werner, F.-J. Auer, Lebloisand J. Sölkner