EAAP has been delivering programs on animal science for over 70 years. After careful planning, we are this year going to provide some outstanding webinars by inviting top speakers who will introduce subjects related to animal science and livestock industry to scientists and technicians.
The Webinar series is planned to be organized monthly to inform, update, disseminate with high profile speakers the EAAP individual members. Apart from exceptions due to organizational issues, the EAAP Webinars will be held monthly, in the afternoon of the second Tuesday of the month.
The sixth EAAP Webinar titled “Why and how to apply gene editing in animals?” is organized in collaboration with the EAAP Pig Commission whose aim is to bring together scientists and disciplines to strengthen European Pig Research efforts with a comparative, trans- and multidisciplinary view. Moreover, the Commission warmly welcomes initiatives exchanging knowledge with researchers studying other monogastric production animals. The main goal of this webinar is to update and inform the scientific and livestock industry community about gene-editing applications in ‘real life’ and research with the aim to bring attention to break-through techniques, as well as gene-edited animal models for the research goals and livestock science. The first presentation will be given by Anna Wargelius from “The Institute of Marine Research” (Norway) on editing for sterility and welfare in Atlantic salmon. Björn Petersen, from “The Institute of Farm Animal Genetics, Friedrich- Loeffler Institut” (Germany) will then explain why and how to apply gene editing in pigs. Last but not least, Mike McGrew, from “The University of Edinburgh, Roslin Institute” (Scotland) will inform the audience on targets for gene editing in poultry.
By attending EAAP Webinars, you will be able to stay on top of the latest research and gain new inspiration. Connect and network through a range of interactive presentations, discussions and workshops. Get updates on the latest results and opinions about animal science and livestock industry. You can use this program also to teach your students.
If you need support with your registration, please contact liguori@eaap.org or danilo@eaap.org.