Session 13. (A) Joining forces in the use and conservation of genetic resources
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Theatre Session
The European genetic resources strategy – joining forces in conservation and sustainable use
S.J. Hiemstra and & European Union Horizon 2020 Gen Res Bridge Consortium
Conservation of genetic resources at landscape level through demonstration cases
E. Sturaro, T. Myking, K.B. Fjellstad, N. Sæther, H. Kraigher, M. Westergren, J. Sustar Vozlic, D. Bojkovski, J. Phillips, N. Maxted, F. Lefevre, M. Bou Dagher Kharrat and S. Perez-Espona
Transboundary breeds in Europe: promote concerted action between countries
E. Charvolin-Lemaire, E. Sturaro, D. Bojkovski, C. Ligda, D. Tsiokos, E. Sosin, G. Polak, S. Stojanovic and F. Tejerina