Davos 2021
Book of Abstract: Davos 2021 Book of Abstract
- Session 01. Phenotypes and strategies for breeding for climate friendly and efficient animals
- Session 02. Environmental impact on cattle genetics and breeding strategies
- Session 03. Use of genomic data for conservation activities
- Session 04. Effects of heat stress and other environmental challenges on the physiology of livestock
- Session 05. Insects as feed and bioremediation tool
- Session 06. Sensing dynamics in livestock physiology disruption through images and other non-invasive alternatives
- Session 07. Mixed crop/livestock systems – do they deliver more resilient food systems
- Session 08. Development of genetic and genomic systems in equid breeding
- Session 09. Feeding the gut: from microbiome to models
- Session 10. Early career competition: stressing innovation in pig and poultry industry
- Session 11. Low carbon animal nutrition: methane emission and climate
- Session 12. Single-step genomic evaluation
- Session 13. (A) Joining forces in the use and conservation of genetic resources
- Session 14. The Sm@RT and TechCare projects
- Session 15. Methods and practices to assess and improve animal welfare
- Session 16. Recent advances in omics technologies applied to small ruminants
- Session 17. Going beyond the Feed vs Food competition: crops and animals together to address food and nutrition security
- Session 18. Alpine, organic and grassland based cattle production
- Session 19. Young train – Innovative research and extension
- Session 20. Management of the sow and her litter
- Session 21. Plenary session and Leroy Lecture
- Session 22. Breeding for improved animal health, welfare and longevity I
- Session 23. The tortoise and the hare: finding the best balance between resilience and efficiency
- Session 24. From PLF sensor development to application in the field
- Session 25. Sustainable livestock farming in mountain areas and harsh environments – challenge or opportunity?
- Session 26. Regulatory framework and advances in genetics and genomics of farmed insects
- Session 27. Sustainability and human health aspects of dairy and meat products and substitutes
- Session 28. Evolutions and latest developments in equine production and management
- Session 29. So you think your science is so great
- Session 31. ANIMAL NUTRITION 4.0
- Session 32. Meat and fat quality in broilers and finishing pigs
- Session 33. Breeding for improved animal health, welfare and longevity: cattle II
- Session 34. Breeding for the future: technology finds application in new phenotypes
- Session 35. Good health of pigs and poultry: increasing robustness through feeding and management – part 1
- Session 36. Advancing sustainable livestock systems for resilient sustainable food systems
- Session 37. Sustainability assessments of insects as food and feed in a circular economy
- Session 38. Computing in PLF: cloud and edge computing and smart algorithms
- Session 39. Nutrient competition between production and animal health – interactions of nutrition, immunity and microbiota
- Session 40. Heifer growth strategies for increased productivity, longevity and reduced environmental impact
- Session 41. Joint EAAP/ADSA session ‘Future of housing for cattle’ – part 1
- Session 42. Inclusive livestock nutrition: where we have a trade-off between performance, environmental sustainability and animal welfare
- Session 43. Optimisation of sheep and goats production systems: strategies for sustainable and resilient agroecosystems
- Session 44. PLF methods for measuring health, welfare and caring for individual animals
- Session 45. Free communications in animal genetics
- Session 46. Use of genomic information
- Session 47. What levers can be activated by stakeholders to promote the livestock transition?
- Session 48. Insects: standardisation and terminology
- Session 49. Transgenerational effect of nutrition (feeding of mother, effect on offspring)
- Session 50. Novel developments of milk removal in conventional, automated and cow-calf contact systems
- Session 51. Organic production of milk and meat
- Session 52. Joint EAAP/ADSA session ‘Future of housing for cattle’ – part 2
- Session 53. Good health of pigs and poultry: increasing robustness through feeding and management – part 2
- Session 54. Sheep and goats management and reproduction
- Session 55. Sustainable Insect Chain (H2020 SUSINCHAIN)
- Session 56. Free communications: Crossbreeding – Conservation of local breeds
- Session 57. Exploiting sequence data
- Session 58. Animal behaviour: from horses to hens
- Session 59. CYBELE project on high performance computing for precision livestock farming
- Session 60. European collaboration in research towards sustainable pig production
- Session 61. Workshop: Meta-analysis applied to animal science
- Session 62. Joint EAAP/ADSA session ‘Future of housing for cattle’ – part 3
- Session 63. Metabolism, oxidative stress and immune function
- Session 64. Sustainable Insect Chain (H2020 SUSINCHAIN)
- Session 65. Contribution of animal breeding to solving societal challenges
- Session 66. Interaction between host genetics and gastro-intestinal tract microbiota genetics
- Session 67. Challenges and novel metrics of multi objective tools at farm/ regional level
- Session 68. PLF MIR tools to monitor cows’ welfare in particular the freedom from disease, hunger and stress (in collaboration with HappyMoo project)
- Session 70. Improving sustainability of pig production by participatory research
- Session 71. Good practices and strategies in dairy farming
- Session 72. Methods and technologies for research and smart nutrition management in dairy and beef cattle
- Session 73. Next generation in animal nutritional science (Young Scientists Session)
- Session 74. Omics in animal nutrition and physiology (the European joint doctorate program Molecular Animal Nutrition “MANNA”)